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How do I decide which career to pursue if I have interest in other careers to?

I have found many careers and taken quiz to find out what would suit me, I'm just lost in it all.

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Sarah’s Answer

Volunteering can be an excellent stepping stone to explore the vast array of career paths out there. For instance, if you're drawn to the medical field, why not volunteer at a hospital? Or if you love animals, an animal clinic could be a great fit. Even a pharmacy could offer valuable insights. So go ahead, dive into the world of volunteering and discover your true calling!
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Cheuk Hei Andrew’s Answer

Dear Oliveyah,

Determining your dream career is both an exciting and challenging journey, and it's wonderful that you have already taken significant steps in your career search.

Quizzes, or assessments as we call them, are not designed to pigeonhole you into a specific career. Instead, they offer insights into how well your attributes align with your desired career and identify any gaps. Consider discussing your quiz results with a trusted counselor or advisor. This can help you delve deeper into your core values and explore which career path might be the most fulfilling for you.

Wishing you the best in your career exploration!

Cheuk Hei Andrew recommends the following next steps:

Revisit assessments with trusted counselor or advisor
Explore core values
Define your ideal career
Create a priority list of important career attributes
Utilize support system to find your ideal career
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Reema’s Answer

Hey Oliveyah, thank you for your question, choosing a career can be challenging, especially when you have multiple interests. Here are some steps to help you decide which career to pursue:

Identify Interests: List all the careers you are interested in. Consider what excites you and what you enjoy doing in your free time.
Assess Skills and Strengths: Evaluate your skills, strengths, and talents. Consider taking career assessments or personality tests (like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Holland Code) to gain insights.
Values and Priorities: Reflect on your values and what you want from a career. This could include factors like work-life balance, job stability, income, and the ability to make a difference.
Research and Exploration
Gather Information: Research each career in detail. Look into job descriptions, required qualifications, career prospects, and salary expectations.
Talk to Professionals: Conduct informational interviews with professionals in the fields you’re interested in. This will give you real-world insights into the day-to-day aspects of the job.
Job Shadowing and Internships: Gain hands-on experience by shadowing professionals or securing internships. This firsthand experience can be invaluable in understanding what a career truly entails.
Evaluation and Comparison
Pros and Cons: Create a list of pros and cons for each career option. Consider factors such as job satisfaction, growth opportunities, and alignment with your interests and values.
SWOT Analysis: Perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for each career option to better understand the potential and challenges.
Long-Term Goals: Think about your long-term career goals and how each option aligns with them. Consider where you want to be in 5, 10, or 20 years.
Prioritize: Rank your career options based on your research, self-assessment, and evaluations.
Seek Advice: Discuss your options with mentors, family, and friends who know you well and can provide valuable perspectives.
Make a Choice: Choose a career path that aligns best with your interests, skills, values, and long-term goals. Remember, it’s okay to start with one path and switch later if needed.
Plan and Take Action
Set Goals: Define clear, achievable goals to pursue your chosen career. Outline the steps you need to take, such as education, certifications, or gaining specific experience.
Develop Skills: Continuously work on developing relevant skills and gaining knowledge to advance in your chosen career.
Remain Flexible: Stay open to new opportunities and be willing to pivot if you discover new interests or if your goals evolve over time.
Combining Interests
Multidisciplinary Approach: Consider careers that combine multiple interests. For example, if you like both technology and healthcare, a career in health informatics might be a good fit.
Side Projects and Hobbies: Pursue other interests as hobbies or side projects. This allows you to explore multiple passions without committing to them as a primary career.
Future Opportunities: Some careers offer opportunities to transition into different roles. Starting in one field doesn't mean you can't shift to another later in your career.
By following these steps, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your interests, strengths, and long-term goals. Remember, career paths can be flexible, and it's possible to pivot or incorporate multiple interests over time.

Reema recommends the following next steps:

Research and Exploration
Evaluation and Comparison
Plan and Take Action
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Oliveyah,

Navigating Multiple Career Paths: A Guide to Selecting the Right Career

Selecting a career from a range of interests can be daunting and perplexing. However, by following these simple steps, you can make an informed choice:

1. Self-Reflection: Begin with a comprehensive self-reflection to identify your interests, values, talents, and personality traits. Think about what activities you enjoy, what drives you, and where your strengths lie. This self-exploration can reveal potential careers that match your abilities and preferences.

2. Investigate Career Alternatives: Delve into the various careers that pique your interest. Study each profession in depth to comprehend the job duties, necessary qualifications, advancement opportunities, and work environment. Consider connecting with professionals in those areas for informational discussions to gain firsthand knowledge.

3. Prioritize: Reflect on your long-term objectives, lifestyle choices, financial goals, and personal values when comparing different careers. Identify what elements are crucial to you in a career, such as work-life harmony, job security, advancement opportunities, or contributing positively to society.

4. Acquire Hands-On Experience: If feasible, acquire hands-on experience in the careers you're contemplating via internships, part-time work, volunteering, or observing professionals. This practical experience can offer valuable insight into the everyday realities of a specific career and help you determine if it's the right fit for you.

5. Seek Advice: Engage with career advisors, mentors, or trusted individuals who can offer guidance and counsel based on their knowledge and experience. They can provide valuable viewpoints and assist you in navigating the decision-making process more efficiently.

6. Establish Achievable Goals: Based on your research and self-reflection, set attainable short-term and long-term goals. Break down your goals into manageable steps that will guide you towards your chosen career while remaining flexible to adapt to changing situations.

7. Make a Well-Informed Choice: After comprehensive self-reflection, research, priority evaluation, hands-on experience, advice from others, and goal-setting, make a well-informed choice about the career that best aligns with your interests, values, talents, and goals.

Remember, career selection is not a single event but a continuous journey of discovery and development. It's perfectly fine to have multiple interests and to evolve professionally over time. Remain open-minded and adaptable as you chart your career course.

Top 3 Credible Sources Used in Answering this Question:

Harvard Business Review: Provides expert insights on career development strategies and decision-making processes.
The Balance Careers: Offers comprehensive resources on exploring different career options and making informed decisions.
American Psychological Association (APA): Publishes research-based articles on self-assessment tools and strategies for choosing a suitable career path.

These sources offered trustworthy information on maneuvering the complexities of selecting a career when faced with multiple interests.

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Debra’s Answer

Reema, not sure if you are just starting school or finished. But if you are just starting college, would encourage you to get into business programs initially. There are so many careers you can do with this college background. Would also suggest that you get summer jobs that are more tied to careers versus working at a fast food, retail store etc.....So many companies offer internships in the summer and you can explore all of the different areas like: sales, inventory management, marketing, HR, finance, IT......Finally what are you most passionate about? You will have a career for many years to come so choose one that truly energizes you. What is your soul telling you to do.....because you should always listen to that.
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Karen’s Answer

Good question and good news for you -- there will be opportunities throughout your lifetime to choose a variety of careers if that's what you want to do. Many people start out in one career and end up in something entirely different. Suggest you begin by making notes of what you think you would most enjoy doing. If you don't know yet, that's ok. Try asking adults whom you trust (parents, relatives, neighbors, friends) about their careers and how they got started. Listen and think about anything that might light a spark for you.

If you haven't already, try volunteering at a variety of nonprofits. Could be working at a food shelf or event for a day to see what it's like working with a variety of individuals and provide more contacts to ask about careers. This will also help to expand the skills and experiences you can include in your resume.

Try to stay flexible and enjoy each day.

With every good wish.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Oliveyah
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Rachel’s Answer Check out free personality tests, like the one that is linked, keep focused on knowing yourself and identifying your strengths. Find a path that centers around your strengths and core values and something you are excited and passionate about!
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students have similar question. You may probably need to find out 1-2 career you have interest first.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Think about what you have interest, e.g. your hobbies, favorite subjects, etc. and identify the related careers
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, your parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!