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Which universities have bachelor programs that would allow me to further a career path in Cosmetology?

I am a high school sophomore beginning my cosmetology program this school year. When I finish high school, I will have my completed my certificate In Cosmetology.

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Marley !

That is so wonderful that you are doing the cosmetology program in high school ! That is a special opportunity that will have you starting your career at an early age. You will have your license and be able to begin your career, but since you want further education I can give you some advice.

Universities do not typically offer advanced or beginning Cosmetology, but my suggestion is yes, do enroll at the University and obtain a degree in Education. Explore the path for becoming a teacher. Eventually, you can get a job teaching Cosmetology. The goal of most cosmetology programs is to learn and obtain your license, so you will have completed it in high school.

That being said, you never stop learning. There are always trade shows, conferences and other events that you can attend and participate in. You will constantly learn. While at the University, venture into their theatre department and take a stage makeup course. Also arrange to be the Make Up and Hair Stylish for the shows that they do. Get a lot of experience in a variety of venues to sharpen your versatility.

If you do not want to go for your degree in Education (which would require a Masters Degree) try to find a college that offers Dermatology as this is offered at some colleges on an undergraduate level. You can get a Bachelor of Science degree in Dermatology or a Diploma from some programs. This can probably be done online also, but I recommend in person because there may be lab work which will be beneficial to have. You are fortunate in that you have a lot of time to explore and plan for this.

You can get additional training and attend events for cosmetology during and after high school at the following events in Austin: Aveda Arts & Sciences Institute Austin. Paul Mitchell School - Austin, Nuvani Institute - Austin, International Conference on Dermatology and Cosmetology, and Avenue Five Institute’s Hybrid Cosmetology Program. Students and professionals can attend events and symposiums from these companies. Once you begin your cosmetology program, your teacher will probably inform you of the various trade events.

The last bit of advice that I have for when you enroll at the University, consider getting your degree in Business because one day, you may want to open your own business or do hair freelance, working for yourself. A degree in business will prepare you for that.

I hope that this helps and I wish you all the best as a Cosmetology student ! Have fun !
Thank you comment icon Hi Michelle. Thank you so much for answering my question. You make a good point on majoring in Education. I never considered that I may want to teach Cosmetology one day. I would like to own my own business, so I think that is the major I am leaning towards. I appreciate your advice on attending trade shows! This will be a fun way for me to stay engaged in the world of Cosmetology! Marley
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome, Marley ! I am glad that I can contribute ! Michelle M.
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Karissa’s Answer

Cosmetology is a trade and you go to a trade school to learn this skill. If you go to a University with a Cosmetology certificate/degree you will have zero transfer credits. If you have strong people skills you may do well majoring in Marketing.