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What extracurriculars/community college classes should I take to prepare for 2 different gap years and a Psychology PhD?

Hi there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024. I intend to take a gap year to experience new cultures/widen my horizons then get my Psychology undergrad, take a gap year to self-reflect and gain research experience, and then return to get my Psychology PhD. The career path I have chosen is a post-secondary Psychology teacher (a psychology professor). What extracurriculars or college classes (community college classes during my next 2 years of high school as well as possibly online during my 1st gap year) would you recommend I participate in? (Some context: I have chosen to do my first gap year in Thailand or Indonesia and my second somewhere in Europe or Asia - the second one is undecided).

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Maura’s Answer

Hi Ava,

What a great goal! That is wonderful that you have plans to take a gap year or two to explore other cultures prior to pursuing a PhD.

Building off of the advice given above by other individuals, I would encourage you to consider finding some sort of a bridge between your gap years and your career goals. Are there specific psychology concerns in the specific cultures of interest that you could investigate? Conducting research now could help build empathy and expand your psychology horizons to be observant when immersing yourself in other cultures. Perhaps their mental health system is different, or they have higher rates of specific mental illnesses. This may not be for school credit, however it is great personal enrichment project to conduct outside of the classroom and may help when applying to graduate school to further prove why a gap year or two was beneficial and relevant to your studies.

Additionally, I would consider looking into a Fulbright scholarship. Currently they are recruiting for the 2025-2026 cycle, which would align with gap year timeline. You must be a US citizen to apply and have your bachelor's degree completed by the time the cycle begins. This program essentially funds you to study abroad post-college or to conduct a personal research project abroad. Though I did not apply for a Fulbright scholarship, when I studied abroad myself my junior year of college some of my classmates interned with a psychologist, and many opportunities exist like this through Fulbright. This program is highly competitive, however if you are very serious about cultural immersion and the impact mental health has on other cultures, this could be a fabulous opportunity to bridge this gap and provide a competitive edge for applying to top graduate schools.

I wish you well in your continued high school studies, future cultural learnings, and PhD program!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Ava,

Planning for Gap Years and a Psychology PhD: The Role of Extracurriculars and Community College Classes

To successfully navigate your gap years and ultimately achieve your ambition of earning a Psychology PhD and becoming a psychology professor, it's crucial to actively participate in extracurricular activities and enroll in pertinent college classes. These will enrich your abilities, broaden your knowledge, and provide valuable experiences. Here are some extracurriculars and community college classes you might find beneficial:

1. Extracurricular Activities:

Charitable Work: Participate in volunteer roles related to mental health, counseling, or education. This could involve helping out at local mental health charities, schools, or community hubs.

Research Opportunities: Actively seek research roles in psychology or related areas. This might include aiding professors with their research, working in a psychology lab, or carrying out your own research.

Internships: Search for internships in environments that match your career aspirations, such as educational establishments, mental health clinics, or research centers.

Leadership Positions: Assume leadership roles in clubs or organizations linked to psychology or education. This can help hone your leadership abilities and show your dedication to the field.

Foreign Language Learning: Given your plans to spend gap years in Costa Rica and possibly Europe or Asia, learning foreign languages could be advantageous. Think about enrolling in language classes or joining language exchange programs.

2. Community College Classes:

Psychology Subjects: Enroll in basic psychology subjects at a community college to establish a solid understanding of the field before starting your undergraduate degree.

Education Subjects: Think about signing up for subjects related to education to learn about teaching methods, educational psychology, and classroom management.

Research Techniques: Enrolling in subjects about research techniques will be beneficial for enhancing your research abilities, which are crucial for a Psychology PhD.

Cultural Studies: Given your desire to explore new cultures during your gap years, subjects in cultural studies can give you a deeper comprehension of various societies and viewpoints.

Language Subjects: Besides extracurricular language learning, think about enrolling in formal language subjects at the community college level to improve your fluency in foreign languages.

3. Online Subjects (During Gap Year):

During your gap year(s), you might also want to consider enrolling in online subjects to maintain your academic progression. Look for online subjects in psychology, education, research techniques, or any other relevant areas that can enhance your academic and professional growth.

By actively engaging in these extracurricular activities and enrolling in relevant community college subjects both during high school and potentially during your gap year(s), you will be better equipped for your journey towards a Psychology PhD and ultimately becoming a specialized psychology professor in post-secondary education.

Top 3 Trusted Sources Used:

American Psychological Association (APA) - The APA is a prominent organization that offers valuable resources on psychology education, career paths, research opportunities, and professional growth.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) - NASP provides insights into the field of school psychology and educational prerequisites for individuals interested in pursuing careers as educators or psychologists.

Community College Review - This source provides information on community college programs, subject offerings, and the advantages of enrolling in classes at the community college level for academic preparation.

God Bless You,
Thank you comment icon thank you for your advice! Ava
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Chosen Osarodion’s Answer

To prepare for your planned gap years and your future in psychology, here are some recommended extracurriculars and community college classes:

### Extracurricular Activities:
1. **Psychology Club**: Join or start a psychology club at your school to engage in discussions, projects, and activities related to psychology.
2. **Volunteering**: Volunteer at mental health organizations, hospitals, or counseling centers to gain experience working with different populations.
3. **Research Assistant**: Seek opportunities to assist with research projects, either at your school or local universities.
4. **Cultural Exchange Programs**: Participate in programs or clubs that focus on cultural exchange to prepare for your gap years abroad.
5. **Tutoring/Mentoring**: Tutor or mentor peers in subjects like psychology or related fields to develop teaching skills.
6. **Leadership Roles**: Take on leadership roles in school clubs or organizations to build management and organizational skills.

### Community College Classes:
1. **Introduction to Psychology**: A foundational course to give you a broad overview of the field.
2. **Developmental Psychology**: Study the psychological development of individuals throughout their lifespan.
3. **Social Psychology**: Understand how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others.
4. **Abnormal Psychology**: Learn about various psychological disorders and their treatments.
5. **Research Methods in Psychology**: Gain knowledge about research design, data analysis, and ethical considerations in psychology research.
6. **Statistics**: A critical skill for conducting and understanding psychological research.
7. **Biopsychology/Neuroscience**: Explore the biological bases of behavior and mental processes.
8. **Cultural Anthropology/Sociology**: Courses that offer insights into cultural differences and social structures, which will be valuable during your gap years and in understanding diverse populations.

### Online Classes (During Gap Year):
1. **Advanced Psychology Topics**: Look for online courses that delve deeper into specific areas of psychology that interest you.
2. **Language Courses**: If you’re going to Costa Rica, learning Spanish will be beneficial. For Europe or Asia, consider learning a language spoken in the region you'll be visiting.
3. **Cultural Studies**: Take online courses that focus on the history, culture, and social dynamics of the regions you plan to visit.
4. **Global Health**: Courses on global health issues can provide context and understanding of the healthcare systems and challenges in different parts of the world.

### Additional Tips:
- **Networking**: Connect with professors and professionals in the field of psychology to build relationships and gain mentorship.
- **Travel Preparation**: Research and prepare for your gap years by learning about the cultures, languages, and customs of the places you’ll visit.
- **Self-Reflection**: Keep a journal during your gap years to document your experiences, reflections, and growth, which will be valuable for your personal and professional development.

These activities and courses will help you build a strong foundation in psychology, develop relevant skills, and prepare you for your gap years and future academic pursuits.
Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Ava
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Ava,

That's an exciting and well-thought-out plan! Here are some recommendations for extracurricular activities and community college classes to prepare for your gap years and eventual Psychology PhD:

Extracurricular Activities:
1. Psychology Club: Join or start a psychology club at your high school to delve deeper into the subject and connect with like-minded peers.
2. Volunteer Work: Seek opportunities to volunteer in mental health organizations, hospitals, or community service organizations. This can provide valuable experience and insight into the field.
3. Research Projects: If possible, get involved in research projects or science fairs that focus on psychological topics.
4. Student Government: Participate in student government or leadership programs to develop organizational and leadership skills.
5. Cultural Exchange Programs: Engage in programs that promote cultural exchange, such as hosting international students or participating in global youth programs, to prepare for your gap years abroad.

Community College Classes:
1. Introduction to Psychology: A foundational course that covers basic concepts, theories, and research in psychology.
2. Developmental Psychology: Study the psychological growth and changes throughout the lifespan.
3. Abnormal Psychology: Learn about psychological disorders, their diagnosis, and treatment.
4. Statistics: A crucial course for understanding research methods and data analysis in psychology.
5. Sociology: Gain a broader understanding of social behavior and societal influences.
6. Biology: Especially courses focused on human biology or neuroscience to understand the biological basis of behavior.
7. Spanish Language: Since you're planning to spend a gap year in Costa Rica, proficiency in Spanish will be beneficial.

Online Classes During Gap Year:
1. Advanced Psychology Courses: Look for online courses on platforms like Coursera, edX, Alison, Udemy, or Khan Academy that cover advanced topics in psychology.
2. Research Methods: An online course focusing on research design, methodology, and ethics in psychology.
3. Cultural Psychology: Study how cultural contexts influence psychological processes.
4. Language Courses : Continue language learning based on your gap year destination (e.g., advanced Spanish or a new language relevant to your next destination).

During Your Gap Years:
- First Gap Year in Costa Rica:
- Volunteer/Internship: Seek opportunities in community mental health services or educational institutions.
- Cultural Immersion: Participate in cultural activities and programs to broaden your perspective.

- Second Gap Year in Europe or Asia:
- Research Assistant: Find research assistant positions at universities or research institutions.
- Professional Development: Attend psychology conferences, workshops, or seminars in the region.

By engaging in these activities and courses, you'll gain valuable experience, knowledge, and skills that will prepare you for your undergraduate studies, gap years, and eventual pursuit of a Psychology PhD.

Best wishes.
Thank you comment icon Thanks for the advice. Ava
Thank you comment icon Glad I could help. Chinyere Okafor