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H ow can I achieve my dreams? ?

My name is Innocent and I am 26 years old from a poor family of six. I am the eldest sibling, currently dedicated to pursuing a diploma in nursing and midwifery at university. As I embark on the second year of this transformative three-year course, my passion for becoming a nurse and midwife grows stronger. My aspiration is deeply rooted in addressing critical health challenges within my community. These include the tragic impact of malaria on children under five and the devastating consequences of maternal mortality exacerbated by the absence of a local dispensary in our village. My ultimate dream is to establish a dispensary in my hometown, providing essential healthcare services and support to our community. However, I am currently facing financial hardships that prevent me from completing the final year of my studies.

Thank you comment icon Hello Michelle, Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. Your belief in my career goals as a nurse midwife means a lot to me. I truly appreciate your advice on seeking financial assistance. I will definitely explore the resources you've mentioned, including scholarships specific to African students and opportunities through the WAAW Foundation and Young African Leaders. I understand the importance of thorough research and persistence in finding the right financial support for my studies. I'll reach out to my university and explore all avenues, including contacting nearby facilities for assistance. Your guidance has given me renewed motivation to pursue my dreams without giving up. Innocent me

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Innocent !

Your career goals have touched my heart and I believe that you will make an enormous contribution as a nurse midwife. You will make an important and profound difference and you should never give this up and always find a way to continue.

There are some financial assistance possibilities that may help you out. It will take active searching on line and making contact with various resources but the time it takes will be well worth it in helping to achieve your dream.

First, check with your university to see about any fee waiver or government financial aid or scholarships that your specific college offers. Look into it by searching online the WAAW Foundation scholarships and the Young African Leaders scholarships. Many of the scholarships in your country are for the post graduate level and for African citizens to study in other countries. It will take much persistence searching online for the right financial assistance that will help you. I have left a few links below for you to start looking at some scholarships to see which one you may apply for. The New Africa Fund may have student assistance but they help with people who are doing projects in yours and other fields.

I know that it sounds like a lot of work to discover all that may be out there. Maybe you can have a family member or friends help you with searching. Leave no stone unturned because your career plan is one that will help many people and should not be forgotten. Try to contact any nearby facilities and ask them where financial assistance is available for nursing students.

Thank you for reaching out about this and please do not give up. Although it will take a lot of time to find the assistance, and a lot of persistence, it is going to be important that you continue your studies and also consult with your professors and staff at your college. I wish you all the best and much success !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Thank you comment icon (Response to the above comment from you) Innocent, I am so very happy that I could be of assistance. I highly value your education and aspirations and wish for the absolute best for you in your studies and your work. Have a wonderful day ! Michelle M.
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Enise’s Answer

Hello Innocent,

I can only have few advices in general.
If this does not help, please let others to assist you.
In terms of achieving your goals, you should have a career plan, which include;

Your prior volunteering and/or internship and/or part-time job,

Your desire for your future career,

Your possible achievements in your life,

Your passion with your interests,

And your prior and current academic achievements.

In order to do your career plan, you should focus on your gut, heart, and instincts, not new targets that is not possible.
You can have a list of your extracurricular activities,
. your passion and your desire (basically what do you want to be),
. your prior and current achievements (have a list of your soft and hard skills, and emotional intelligence),
. What you would you do if …? This question type will help you to focus on your next move.

About your current situation, if you are a diligent student, and you passed your modules, there are many universities that should offer you a free education, or at least a lower tuition fee.
Have a surf the internet, look at the admissions, opportunities, and tuition fees.
As you want to be a future worker, you should be ambitious enough to pass the modules to graduate from the university first.
During your academic year, you should have a chance to look at the universities’ extracurricular activities, which can develop your soft and hard skills, and emotional intelligence, and you can add your skills and your rewarding experience on your CV.
It is simple as that!
After your graduation, you can start working for the hospital or GP, or even a private clinic.

I hope this helps.
Thank you comment icon I am really grateful you took the time to answer this question. Innocent me
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Innocent,


How can I make my dreams come true?

Innocent, your journey is truly motivating! It's fantastic to see your dedication to serving your community through nursing and midwifery.

Here are some practical steps to help you fulfill your dream of finishing your studies and establishing a dispensary:

Financial Assistance:

Scholarships: Look for scholarships specifically designed for nursing students from Tanzania. Many groups provide focused support, so concentrate your search on phrases like "Tanzania nursing scholarships" or "East Africa healthcare scholarships."

Grants: Search for grants aimed at students dealing with financial difficulties. Government bodies, NGOs, and even universities often provide such grants. Use search terms like "[Tanzania] student financial hardship grant" or "[University name] student aid."

Work-study programs: Check if your university has work-study programs that let you earn money while studying.

Cutting Down Study Expenses:

Communicate with your university: Share your circumstances with the university's financial aid office. They may offer payment arrangements, postponements, or hardship scholarships.

Consider part-time employment: If feasible, try to find part-time work that aligns with your studies. Look for remote work opportunities or flexible hours that won't interfere with your classes.

Financing your Dispensary Vision:

Develop a plan: Research the expenses involved in starting a dispensary. Investigate equipment, medications, personnel, and potential building requirements. A detailed plan will assist you in obtaining funding.

Grants & contests: Look for grants or business plan contests that back healthcare projects in rural Tanzania. Present your dispensary plan and its community impact.

Community fundraising: Arrange fundraising activities in your village or appeal to the diaspora community for support.

Extra Resources:

Connect with local NGOs or healthcare groups in Tanzania. They may have resources or programs to aid aspiring healthcare professionals.


Stay on track: Keep your dream and the positive effect you'll bring to your community in your thoughts. This will inspire you during tough times.

Network: Build relationships with other nurses, midwives, or healthcare professionals. They may provide advice or even mentorship opportunities.

Don't quit! Many students encounter financial hardships. Resources are available, and your perseverance will carry you through.

Innocent, you are already making a significant impact. Keep moving forward!

May God Bless Your Good and Noble Works!
James Constantine Frangos.
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Roel’s Answer

Achieving your dreams is always something we should all strive to do. The important thing to do is make sure you are doing everything necessary to propel yourself forward to accomplish this. It is imperative for you to do some self-reflection about what is important to you and create some actionable items to help you achieve your dreams. don't forget to ask for help along the way, nobody can do everything alone!
Thank you comment icon Thanks Mr Roel Innocent me
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Susan Su’s Answer

Turning Dreams into Reality

1. Unearth Financial Aid and Scholarships:
Venture into every possible avenue for financial help. Reach out to your university's financial aid office to get their valuable recommendations. Apply for scholarships that are tailor-made for nursing and African students, like those provided by the WAAW Foundation and the Young African Leaders Initiative. Diligent exploration and application for these opportunities can secure the crucial funding you need to complete your studies.

2. Embrace Part-Time Work and Internships:
Seek out part-time roles or internships in healthcare settings. These opportunities will not only ease your financial burden but also offer hands-on experience in the nursing and midwifery field. Connecting with people within these settings can also lead to uncovering more financial aid and job openings.

3. Harness Community and Online Fundraising:
Tap into community goodwill by arranging fundraising events or launching an online fundraising campaign. Platforms such as GoFundMe can assist in raising funds from a worldwide audience who may be touched by your story and mission to enhance healthcare in your village.

4. Tap into University Resources:
Make the most of university resources like career counseling, mentorship programs, and student support services. These resources can offer guidance on career mapping, financial aid applications, and securing part-time work.

5. Engage in Networking and Mentorship:
Connect with professionals in the healthcare industry for mentorship and advice. Platforms like LinkedIn can be instrumental in linking with individuals who can offer guidance, support, and potentially financial aid or job opportunities.

Inspirational Advice:
1. Roel Ramon’s Wisdom:
Realizing your dreams requires introspection and crafting actionable steps to drive you forward. Never hesitate to ask for help, as no one can achieve everything single-handedly.

2. Rita Chuang’s Guidance:
Stop by the financial aid department and apply for scholarships. Remember, perseverance and hard work are key. With commitment, you can attain your dreams.

3. Enise Agel’s Counsel:
Craft a career plan centered on your passion, past accomplishments, and future objectives. Enumerate your extracurricular activities, academic achievements, and career goals. Seek out universities that offer free or discounted tuition for diligent students.

4. Michelle M.’s Suggestions:
Actively hunt for financial assistance online and through your university. Investigate scholarships from organizations like the WAAW Foundation and the New Africa Fund. Persistence and comprehensive research will help you find the necessary backing to realize your dream.

By adhering to these steps and maximizing available resources, you can surmount financial obstacles and achieve your dream of becoming a nurse midwife. Setting up a dispensary in your hometown will not only fulfill your ambition but also deliver vital healthcare services to your community, tackling significant health issues and saving lives.
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Rita’s Answer

I'm so sorry to hear this. You sound very passionate about your work. Since you are in college, why don't you go to the financial aid department and see what suggestions they have. Perhaps you can apply for a scholarship. Because you are not in the US, this is a little harder.

My dad was also very poor. He was actually malnourished as a child. He dedicated himself to studying and was able to come to the US from Taiwan. He studied engineering and earned a PhD at UC Berkeley. You can reach your dreams just like my dad. It is not easy and will require a lot of work.