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I am a beginner programmer but i haven't any resume. How do I create a resume?

( I know some Python & JavaScript and also git & Linux )

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Mohamed’s Answer

Absolutely! Creating a resume as a beginner programmer can seem challenging, but it’s a great opportunity to showcase what you know. Here are some steps to help you:

1. Contact Information: Start with your name, email address, and phone number.
2. Objective: Write a short statement about your goals. For example:
“Aspiring programmer with knowledge in Python, JavaScript, git, and Linux, seeking an entry-level position to apply my skills and continue learning.”
3. Skills: List your programming languages and tools.
• Python
• JavaScript
• Git
• Linux
4. Projects: Include any projects you’ve worked on. Describe what you did and the technologies you used. For example:
• Simple Web App: Created a basic web application using JavaScript and HTML to track daily tasks.
• Python Script: Developed a Python script to automate file organization on Linux.
5. Education: List your education, even if it’s not directly related to programming. Include any online courses or certifications.
• [Your School], [Your Degree], [Years Attended]
• Completed online courses in Python and JavaScript on [Platform].
6. Experience: If you have any relevant experience, include it. Even if it’s not a formal job, list internships, volunteer work, or freelance projects.
7. Additional Information: Mention any clubs, competitions, or groups you’re part of that relate to programming.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. shayan
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Youssef’s Answer

Example layout:
[Your Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
[LinkedIn Profile or GitHub Link]

**Professional Summary**
Aspiring software developer with experience in Python and JavaScript. Proficient in Git and Linux. Seeking an entry-level position to apply my skills and contribute to innovative projects.

- Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript
- Tools: Git, Linux
- Web Development: HTML, CSS
- Other: Problem-solving, debugging, version control

- **Weather App**: Developed a web application using JavaScript and OpenWeatherMap API to display weather data. Utilized HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for the frontend.
- **Task Manager**: Built a command-line task manager in Python to help users track their daily tasks. Implemented CRUD operations and data storage using JSON.
- **Library Management System**: Collaborated on a team project to develop a library management system using Python and SQLite. Focused on backend development and database management.

- **Bachelor of Science in [Your Major]** - [Your University], [Year of Graduation]
- Completed online courses in Python, JavaScript, and Linux from platforms like Coursera or Udemy

**Work Experience**
- **Job Title** - **Company Name**, **Location** (Dates of Employment)
- Description of your responsibilities and achievements.

- [Certification Name]

**Volunteer Experience**
- [Volunteer Role] - [Organization Name], [Dates]
- Description of your role and contributions.

- [Language 1] - [Proficiency Level]
- [Language 2] - [Proficiency Level]
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for the advice. shayan
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Anna’s Answer

Hello Shayan, wonderful inquiry! Building a resume as an entry-level engineer might feel overwhelming since you're just getting your feet wet, but it's an excellent chance to showcase your existing knowledge and pertinent experiences. Here are some friendly pointers and recommendations. I hope you find them beneficial!

1. Skills
- Be sure to jot down your programming languages and tools. I'd advise placing this information at the top of your resume, making it straightforward for recruiters or HR personnel to instantly identify your capabilities.

2. Technical Projects
- Don't forget to highlight any projects you’ve been part of, along with the technologies you utilized and the reasons behind your choices. I've learned that it's highly beneficial if you can articulate why a particular technology was the best fit for the task at hand.

3. Education
- Make a note of your educational background, whether it's a coding bootcamp, a Computer Science degree, or even if it’s not directly linked to programming. Don't leave out any online courses or certifications you've earned.

4. Relevant Experience
- If you've had any relevant experiences, such as a job, internship, voluntary service, or freelance projects, be sure to include them.

5. Additional tips/resource
- I would recommend customizing your resume for each role you're interested in. While it might seem like a lot of work, it can significantly boost your prospects.
- A particularly useful resume tool I often use when applying for positions is Rezi Resume. It assists you in constructing your resume and tailoring it to the specific job you're targeting.

Anna recommends the following next steps:

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Carissa’s Answer

You should start building projects such as websites, games, apps, etc. Since you know Javascript and Python, learn a popular framework such as React, Node, or Django, that will make your resume stand out. I think frontend frameworks on FreeCodeCamp is a great resource
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Sherry’s Answer

There's already some great answers on how to literally build a resume. But first, you need to develop some projects for that resume. I would suggest finding some places where you can put your skills to use and demonstrate your abilities. What an interviewer or hiring manager is going to look for when they look at your resume is skills and what proof you have to back it up.

Some great ways to build experience and potential things to add to your resume:

Work on some projects with others:
- Look through some open-source projects and see if any interest you with active development. If they do, look through their issues and see if you can make a contribution. might be a nice site to start looking for this.
- If you prefer to work in person, find a meetup or workshop where you can learn something and build a project at the same time. A hackathon is a nice way to meet new people and work as a team on a project.

Work on some solo projects:
- Do you have something you're automating in your life? If not, why not? Create a script, version control it on github, and add it to your resume
- Follow some tutorials to create an application that you think is interesting. Do try to host the project somewhere once you're done so others can use it as well. Make sure there's a demo account available so people can actually log in and try out your application.
- This is less interactive, but you can work on some programming challenges. Create a git repository for them so that it's version controlled in case you want to make improvements. This will also be a way of demonstrating the number of challenges you have been able to complete. Leetcode and Codewars are two that I commonly hear people using. Project Euler is a more mathematics-based one.

Nice-to-have: Find a way to showcase your work:
- Create a personal website and list that on your resume. This will help you practice version control, HTML/CSS/JS skills, and be a place for you to demonstrate your portfolio of work
- If you don't have a git account, create one and use it to start building out a portfolio of projects. Star the projects you want hiring managers to notice first
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Anika’s Answer

Hi Shayan,

Creating a well-structured resume is crucial for making a positive impression on potential employers. Here are some key elements to consider when structuring your resume and tips on what to include:

Contact Information:
What to Include:
Full Name
Phone Number
Email Address
LinkedIn Profile (optional, but recommended)
What to Include:
School Name
Location (City, State)
Dates Attended (or expected graduation date)
GPA (if it's strong and relevant)
Relevant coursework, honors, or awards
What to Include:
Job Title
Company Name
Location (City, State)
Dates of Employment
Key responsibilities and achievements
What to Include:
List both hard and soft skills relevant to the job.
Examples: Programming languages, software proficiency, communication, teamwork, problem-solving.
Extracurricular Activities or Volunteer Work:
What to Include:
Position or Role
Organization Name
Location (City, State)
Dates of Involvement
Key responsibilities and achievements