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what are the biggest road blocks when working your way up to actually fishing professionally ?

I am a young adult trying to soon fish professionally. I worked on sponsors and fished a couple local derbies just need help on the next step!

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Isabel’s Answer

Hello Jacob,

The journey to becoming a professional angler is filled with exciting challenges, including securing regular sponsorships, accumulating substantial competition experience, and maintaining financial balance. Sponsorships, while they can be tricky to secure, are the lifeblood of your angling career, providing necessary funding. Gaining competition experience is vital for honing your skills and increasing your visibility, although it does involve travel and entry fees. Financial management can be a bit demanding due to the costs of gear, travel, and entry fees.

However, by building connections within the fishing community and keeping an active social media presence, you can effectively navigate these hurdles. Engaging more in local and regional tournaments will not only enhance your reputation but also boost your chances of advancing professionally. So, embrace these challenges as they are stepping stones on your path to success. Keep going, Jacob, your professional angling career awaits!