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What to do to make All-State?

Hello, I am a Senior wanting to become a TMEA All-Stater this year, Is there any tips or websites I should know to be prepared to the fullest? How did you guys achieve being an All-Stater?

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Esmeralda !

Becoming a Texas Music Educators Association All-Stater in the Vocal Division will be so exciting and a high honor ! That is certainly something to strive for and I encourage you to do so. I have never been an All-Stater nor do I live in your area, but I am happy to provide some information and advice about this outstanding opportunity for you.

A current, active or life member of the TMEA is supposed to enter you for the audition process. Perhaps one of your current teachers can do this for you. Your teacher would go to the TMEA website and register the school and information. They accept homeschooled students, too. The teacher then clicks on a list of contests and chooses what the teacher wants to submit you for. These contests will have to be in the region where you live.

Once the teacher chooses students to enter, you will receive a form to complete to enter. Detailed instructions for the high school teacher who is a TMEA member appear in detail on the TMEA website and I have left a link for it below. There is information at the bottom of the page titled "For Students and Parents" which will be quite informative for you.

I am happy that you've also asked for some tips. One thing that you can do now is to collect sheet music for all the songs that you love to sing. Keep them in a portfolio so they will be on hand and you can choose from a wide array of songs to practice and choose for an audition. Choose songs that you love that showcase your range, vibrato and resonance. You will be prepared to choose which one(s) to use for an audition.

Another thing that you can do while you are practicing singing is to develop stage presence by directing yourself for emotion, characterization and delivery of the song, giving it personality and meaning. I have left a link for you to some videos that you can watch to pick up some ideas for this. Stage presence is as important at an audition as the quality of your singing voice.

Continue with your choir and also whichever in person singing instructor you choose. They will give you great feedback when they hear you and suggest what your strengths are and what you may need to work on. I would also suggest that until your teacher submits you for All-State, audition for things at your school as well as in the community. This will bring forth confidence through experience as well as start a wonderful resume for you of any projects you are chosen for.

I hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best ! You can do it - don't ever give up !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Esmeralda
Thank you comment icon I am glad to provide the advice. Have an awesome day, Esmeralda ! Michelle M.