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what are the steps to take to succeed in my career?

8th grade
study accounting

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13 answers

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Doc’s Answer


Be proactive rather than reactive. Successful accountants always make sure they have what they need instead of waiting until everything is due and don't have data you need. Don't wait until the last minute or put things off. Check ahead of time so that nothing gets missed. This will show that you are eager to take on extra responsibilities. It'll also make future tasks easier, knowing that you're already ahead of the game.

Be efficient when working on tasks assigned to you to save time and get better results. Prioritize the most essential activities first. Successful accountants manage their time to get the most out of every day. Prioritizing is not a science. However, it's easily applied in practice. You should start by determining which tasks are the most vital and put less urgent projects off until later.

Communication is important in every area of work, but it's essential when dealing with coworkers and clients. Successful accountants must also be great speakers by developing their public speaking skills. This will make them more confident - which translates into better results for themselves and the company you work for.
An ideal accountant you should should possess extensive knowledge of complex accounting terms. As a successful accountant professional you should be able to simplify these complex terms into a language that fellow coworkers and clients can easily understand.

Always be a good teammate. Successful accountants know how essential teamwork is for achieving success professionally and personally - so don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Colleagues and superiors will appreciate working with cooperative, helpful, and ready to lend a hand when needed. Accountants should be goal driven and dedicated to improving financial operations within your organization. An ideal accountant should demonstrate problem-solving skills. These skills have the potential to improve operations in financing and across multiple other departments. Natural problem solvers are also more inclined to be creative thinkers.

Stay calm under pressure even if things get hectic or deadlines are looming because this shows professionalism and poise. There will be periods when your accounting career gets busy or deadlines are approaching. It's during these high-stress times that you'll discover a person's true colors. It's crucial to maintain your calm if you want to make an excellent first impression.

Miracle these 5 skills are essential if you want to be a successful accountant. When you practice these abilities, you'll be well-equipped to succeed as an accountant since you'll already have these skills as an advantage.
Thank you comment icon Thank You Luke. We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. Doc Frick
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Shirley’s Answer

Hi Miracle,

Your high school may have intro to accounting classes, which will teach the basics of accounting such as debits and credits, and preparation of financial statements. It's a great course if you aspire to be an accounting major in college.
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Abby’s Answer

Hi Miracle,

There is a lot of great advice in these answers and all of them will be beneficial to you. I wanted to just add a note about making yourself well rounded. While focusing on your accounting studies is important, it is also rewarding to invest time into the things you love or succeed in. I suggest getting involved in high school and college in extracurricular activities including community service and clubs that will help you build your network. Companies love to see something that will differentiate you from all the talented applicants, so it can be really helpful to find organizations that will give you unique opportunities to enhance your skills and demonstrate crucial qualities these firms are looking for. When in college, search for organizations that you can serve on the Eboard for; this will demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills all of these companies are looking for. Networking is crucial in the accounting world, so try to be involved in events or organizations that promote this, building your network early will open doors for you in the future. Most importantly like some said be yourself, being personable will help you build your network and allow you to be your authentic self when entering the workplace.
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Danielle’s Answer

Hi Miracle! It is great that you are beginning to think about your future career so early on in your education! Some first steps that I would take as an eighth grader to succeed in your career are:

1. Take courses in high school that expose you to the business world (accounting, finance, business law, economics, etc.)
2. Begin working with your school counselors to explore different avenues within accounting and which jobs may interest you
3. Attend networking events to start learning about the experiences of accountants in the industry/public accounting

Good luck!
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Prajna’s Answer

Set your goals
Be ready to learn
work Hard to reach your goal
Evaluate yourself
Communicate well
Take initiatives
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Fola’s Answer

Hi Miracle - You have received some really helpful responses, so I will just add a couple of points: A.) It's never too early to start setting goals for yourself. Look at them as mini-milestones to tick off as you achieve them. What courses do you need to take? Do you/your parents/family know anyone who is an accountant that can help you set your goals? Reach out to anyone who can share their knowledge and experience.
B.) Be ready to work hard. Working hard is a key factor for success. Whatever you set out to do, put 100% of your effort into it!
I hope this is helpful. I wish you all the very best!
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Davielle’s Answer

My colleagues have provided you with some great feedback. I'd like to add that you should be genuine - always be yourself and there will be no question about your motivations. Always have integrity - regardless of the career you go into, it is easy to fall off the tracks. Having that discipline of doing the right thing every time and calling out when something doesn't sound/look right will help you succeed. Honesty ties into that - you need to always tell the truth, even if it will be detrimental to you. And finally, always look to improve yourself. Whether you watch Youtube videos or take a class or continue on with your education, lifelong learning will always benefit you; not just with the subject matter, but also it keeps your initiative strong.
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Joseph’s Answer

Get thru middle school. Once you enter high school take as many accounting courses as you can, especially if you can earn college credit take advantage of of it.

Joseph recommends the following next steps:

When you get to high school take all the accounting classes you can
See if college courses in accounting are available.. Take advantage of accounting courses you can take without paying for them.
There are quite a few accounting courses you will take in college. Good luck!
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Alberto’s Answer

Hello Miracle, to succeed in a career in accounting, starting as early as the 8th grade, you're already setting a strong foundation. First, focus on excelling in math and related subjects, as these will be crucial in your accounting studies. Participate in math clubs or related extracurricular activities if available, as these can enhance your skills and interest in the field. As you move into high school, consider taking courses in economics, business, and any available accounting classes to gain early exposure to the concepts you'll encounter in professional accounting. It's also a good idea to seek internships or volunteer opportunities related to accounting or finance; these experiences can provide practical skills and help you understand the day-to-day work of an accountant. Additionally, consider speaking with professionals in the field to gain insights and advice. They can offer valuable perspectives on both education and career paths in accounting. By building a strong academic foundation, seeking relevant experiences, and networking with professionals, you'll be well-prepared to pursue further education in accounting and a successful career thereafter.
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Damion’s Answer

I agree with what the previous authors have stated.
In addition, I would like to add a couple of items:
1. Stay fluid, be able to adapt to changes as very little in the accounting industry is static
2. Keep learning, this will help you grow throughout your career.

Best wishes!
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Michael’s Answer

Good morning Miracle, great question! All of these responses are great and will help you succeed in accounting or even something else if you change your mind. Here are a couple things I would say are important:
1. Keep an open mind - the field of accounting is big and there are many different possibilities, give everything a try and see if there's a route that you like the best
2. High school - personally, my high school offered multiple accounting classes which highly interested me in the field, be on the lookout for these as they will give you a strong starting point for college
3. Be an active participant - by contributing to class discussions, even in non accounting classes, you will be more attentive and get more out of the class than others who are not, this will also help you build a reputation as an eager learner
4. Set Goals - create goals for yourself that will help you achieve the end product of being an accountant, whether its a weekly goal for studying, or a certain grade on a exam, having structure will make it easier to achieve the end result
5. Communicate - whether its with team members, teachers, or colleagues, being open and willing to communicate with other about what you want, this skill will also eventually help with networking, which ultimately becomes an important part in everyone's professional life
I hope this helps!
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you have interest in Accounting. In fact, there are many accounting related careers, e.g. accountants , auditor, financial analyst, tax accountant, fund accountant, etc.?
Below are my suggestions :
1. Find out more accounting related careers and determine what you have interest
2. Attend the information session host by account department of colleges. Speak to the professors and alumni if possible
3. Explore the entry criteria of accounting subjects in college
4. Work hard to meet the entry criteria
5. Explore the accounting careers you would like to develop your career.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Fola’s Answer

Hello Miracle. You've already received really helpful advice, so I'll just add one or two extra points:

A.) It's never too soon to start setting goals for yourself. Consider these goals as small victories to be celebrated once they're achieved. What are the necessary courses you need to enroll in? Does anyone in your family know an accountant who could help in shaping your objectives? Don't hesitate to tap into the wisdom and experiences of others.

B.) Be prepared to invest a lot of effort. Hard work is a key factor for achieving success. No matter what it is you are doing, give it your all!

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I wish you all the very best!