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How can i get a fully funded scholarship with a bad financial situation?

Good day, everyone! I hope you are all well. I am currently completing my bachelor’s degree in computer engineering with a high GPA, and I am working on both my thesis and a game project for my final year. My English proficiency is at a B2+ level. I aspire to study abroad for my master’s degree, but unfortunately, my financial situation is not ideal. Could anyone provide tips on securing a fully funded scholarship?

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Sanya’s Answer

Hey there! It sounds like you’re on an exciting journey with your computer engineering degree, and your ambition to study abroad for your master’s is fantastic. I know how tough it can be to secure a fully funded scholarship, especially with financial constraints, but it’s definitely doable with the right approach. Here’s some advice that might help:
1. Start Your Search Early - I remember when I was in your shoes, the earlier I started looking for scholarships, the better my chances were. Begin your research now, and make a list of all the scholarships you qualify for.
2. Target Specific Universities - Some universities are known for their generosity towards international students. For instance, I found that universities in Germany (like TU Munich) and countries like Norway and Finland offer excellent scholarships and sometimes even free education.
3. Focus on Need-Based Scholarships - Many scholarships specifically cater to students with financial need. Look for these as they can be less competitive. When I applied, I focused on these and it made a big difference.
4. Polish Your Application - Your high GPA is a strong asset. Make sure to highlight your thesis and game project. When I applied, I included a detailed portfolio of my projects, which really impressed the selection committee.
4a. Write a personal statement that tells your story - Explain your financial situation honestly and why you’re passionate about your field. When I wrote mine, I shared my journey, challenges, and dreams, and it resonated well with the reviewers.
5. Improve Your English Proficiency - Even though your B2+ level is good, aim to improve it further. I took the IELTS exam and found it opened up more opportunities. Practice speaking and writing in English as much as you can.
6. Utilize Online Resources - I spent hours on sites and discovered many scholarships I wouldn’t have known about otherwise.
7. Reach Out to Professors - If you have specific universities in mind, email professors whose work interests you. When I was applying, I contacted several professors and one of them actually recommended me for a departmental scholarship. It’s all about making those connections.
8. Check Government and Private Scholarships - Don’t overlook scholarships offered by your home country’s government or private organizations. When I was searching, I found a local scholarship that covered a significant portion of my expenses.
9. Network - Join online forums and groups for students aiming to study abroad.
10. Prepare for Interviews - If a scholarship requires an interview, practice common questions and be ready to discuss your projects passionately. I practiced with friends and recorded myself to improve.
Persistence is key. I applied to several scholarships and faced rejections, but eventually, I secured one. Keep pushing forward. Good luck! You’ve got this!
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Aiden
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Sosina
Thank you comment icon I will use this advice as I prepare for my career. Sosina
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Aiden,

It's great to hear about your academic achievements and aspirations. Here are some steps and strategies to help you secure a fully funded scholarship for your master's degree abroad:

1. Research Scholarships
- University Scholarships: Many universities offer scholarships to international students. Look for universities with strong computer engineering programs and check their scholarship opportunities.

- Government Scholarships: Various governments provide scholarships for international students, such as the Fulbright Program (USA), Chevening Scholarships (UK), DAAD Scholarships (Germany), Erasmus Mundus (EU), and others.

- Private Organizations and Foundations: Some organizations and foundations offer scholarships based on merit, need, or specific fields of study.

2. Prepare a Strong Application
- Maintain High Academic Performance: Continue to excel in your studies to maintain or improve your GPA.
- Standardized Tests: Prepare for and take standardized tests like the GRE, TOEFL, or IELTS, if required. High scores can strengthen your application.
- Letters of Recommendation: Obtain strong letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can vouch for your academic abilities and character.
- Personal Statement: Write a compelling personal statement that highlights your achievements, goals, and why you are a good fit for the scholarship and program.

3. Highlight Your Projects and Research
- Thesis and Game Project: Showcase your thesis and game project as examples of your skills and dedication. Highlight any unique aspects, challenges overcome, and potential impact.
- Publications and Presentations: If you have any research publications or have presented at conferences, include these in your application.

4. Financial Need
- Explain Your Financial Situation: Be transparent about your financial situation in your scholarship applications. Many scholarships consider financial need as a criterion.
- Apply for Need-Based Scholarships: Look for scholarships specifically designed for students with financial need.

5. Networking and Mentorship
- Contact Professors: Reach out to professors at prospective universities. Express your interest in their work and inquire about potential funding opportunities.
- Join Professional Organizations: Become a member of professional organizations related to computer engineering. They often provide resources, mentorship, and scholarship information.

6. Additional Resources
- Online Scholarship Databases: Use scholarship search engines like ScholarshipPortal, Fastweb, or Studyportals to find opportunities.
- University Financial Aid Offices: Contact the financial aid offices of the universities you are interested in. They can provide information on available scholarships and how to apply.

7. Apply Early and Widely
- Multiple Applications: Apply to multiple scholarships to increase your chances of securing funding.
- Meet Deadlines: Ensure you meet all application deadlines and submit all required documents on time.

8. Consider Tuition-Free Universities
- Countries with Tuition-Free Education: Some countries, like Germany and Norway, offer tuition-free education to international students. Research universities in these countries that offer programs in English.

By following these steps and diligently applying to various scholarships, you can increase your chances of securing the funding you need to pursue your master's degree abroad.

Best wishes!
Thank you comment icon Loved reading this, thanks! Aiden
Thank you comment icon Good to hear that! Chinyere Okafor
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Paul’s Answer

Many colleges and universities have foundations on campus, which are responsible for managing private donations, endowments and scholarships.

Usually, there are many categories for foundation scholarships.

They can be based on future majors, occupations, activities, ethnicity, and other concentrations.

I would check the foundation office, of the college you are attending, and see what they have available for scholarship opportunities.
Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Aiden
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Cody’s Answer

Never overlook the immense learning opportunities offered by the military. My own journey of 3.5 years in the military allowed me to fully fund both my undergraduate and Masters degrees, all thanks to the GI Bill. It's truly a powerful resource for education!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Aiden
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Sreedhar’s Answer

Hi Aiden,
I would suggest talking to others who are applying or others who are already studying abroad. Make a list of countries that you are interested in. Universities in some countries are more eager to give full scholarship than others. For example, if you take a private course or two of German language, German universities could be very willing to give you full scholarship. Keep in mind that Germany is much closer to Iran and therefore will be cheaper to travel back and forth.

Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Sreedhar for the advice. Aiden
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Emily’s Answer

Hello! It's so great to hear about all of your educational achievements. It is very possible to get scholarships to continue your education. I would look online for listings, make sure to even consider smaller scholarships because they will add up over time. Also, contact resources at your university. For example, I know at my school the person in charge of the study abroad program informed all of us that they also are in charge of scholarships and are able to provide resource for applying and location some. Best of luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Emily, for all your help. Unfortunately, there’s no one overseeing the study abroad programs at my university. I’m deciding to take a chance and apply for the MEXT scholarship. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll try for opportunities in Italy or Germany.I'm cooked:) Aiden
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Shirley’s Answer

Hi Aiden,

There are different types of scholarships, and some may be more competitive than others. Although I didn't study abroad, I am extremely grateful for the merit scholarship I received in college. The stipulations included maintaining a certain GPA above the threshold and enrolling in at least 12 credits. There were no essays involved, and it was renewable for every semester as long as I continued to meet the requirements. This scholarship almost my entire graduate school tuition.
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Aiden