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where can I apply for online computer science internships?

how, and where can I apply for online computer science internships?

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4 answers

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Solomon’s Answer

Hi Naje,

It is good to see you are on the right track for becoming a professional in computer science. Internships are great opportunities to acquire professional experience while in college or right after graduation. That said, your college should be a primary source for internships. So, check with your college student services.

Like it was mentioned in the previous answer, companies have internship programs. Look for their career websites and specifically look under internship programs. Most companies have hiring sections for students and recent graduates.

However, I would like you to be very careful and not to look for internships online other than proper links posted on company websites. Be careful of scams as there are many out there. Don't give out any personal information or money if you are approached by scammers.

Wish you all the best,

Solomon recommends the following next steps:

For example if you look on this website for Amazon: and scroll down a bit, you will see where it says "Opportunities for Students"
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Rajeev’s Answer

That's a great question you've asked! Usually, the process of hiring interns kicks off almost a year in advance. So, if you're aiming for a summer internship, the hiring typically begins around the fall of the previous year.

What you need to do is explore and submit applications on the career websites of different IT companies. You can find these opportunities in the banking sector at places like Citi, BOA, Charles Schwab, and so on. Big tech companies like IBM and Dell also offer them.

Just take a good look through these options, and you're sure to find a suitable opportunity. It's like a treasure hunt, and with a bit of patience, you'll definitely find your treasure!
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Betsy’s Answer

While this topic surpasses my expertise, I'm confident you'll find valuable insights from other responses. Best of luck!
Thank you comment icon Actually in thinking about your question again, I would recommend finding conventions and events where you can meet professionals and ask them the same question. I don't see a lot of internships posted in the job section of LinkedIn. Pick a couple of companies you admire and do an informational interview with their HR director or manager. Best of luck to you! bw Betsy Walters
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Rajesh Kumar’s Answer

Applying for online computer science internships can be a great way to gain practical experience and improve your skills. Here are some steps and platforms where you can find and apply for these internships:

1. Prepare Your Application Materials
Resume: Make sure your resume is up to date with your latest skills, projects, and any relevant coursework.
Cover Letter: Write a tailored cover letter for each application that highlights why you are a good fit for the role.
Portfolio: If you have a portfolio of projects (e.g., on GitHub), make sure it is well-organized and showcases your best work.

2. Online Job Portals and Platforms
There are several popular platforms where you can find remote computer science internships:

LinkedIn: Use LinkedIn’s job search feature to find internships. You can filter by "Remote" to find online opportunities. Also, join relevant groups and follow companies you’re interested in.
Indeed: Another job search engine where you can filter for remote internships.
Glassdoor: Offers job listings along with company reviews that can help you make informed decisions.
Internshala: Focuses on internships and offers many remote opportunities, especially in tech.
AngelList: Great for finding internships at startups. You can filter for remote opportunities.
WayUp: Specifically targets students and recent graduates, offering many internship listings including remote positions.
Handshake: Many universities partner with Handshake to provide students with job and internship listings. Check if your university is a partner.

3. Company Websites
Many companies list internship opportunities directly on their careers pages. Some major tech companies that frequently offer remote internships include:

Startups and smaller tech firms

4. Networking
University Career Centers: Utilize your university’s career services. They often have connections with companies looking for interns.
Professional Networks: Join professional networks and groups on LinkedIn, Facebook, or other platforms. Attend virtual networking events and webinars.
Alumni Networks: Reach out to alumni from your university who are working in tech. They might know of internship opportunities or can refer you.

5. Freelance Platforms
While not traditional internships, freelance platforms can provide valuable experience:

Upwork: Offers project-based work that can help you build your skills.
Fiverr: Another platform for freelancing, which can serve as practical experience.
Toptal: Focuses on top-tier freelancers, but can be a good goal to work towards.

6. Application Process
Tailor Your Application: Customize your resume and cover letter for each application to highlight relevant skills and experiences.
Follow Up: If you don’t hear back within a couple of weeks, consider following up with a polite email expressing your continued interest.
Prepare for Interviews: Practice common technical and behavioral interview questions. Be ready to discuss your projects and experiences.

7. Leverage Educational Platforms
Some educational platforms and bootcamps have partnerships with companies that offer internships:

Coursera, edX, Udacity: Completing courses and specializations on these platforms can sometimes lead to internship opportunities through their career services.
Coding Bootcamps: Many coding bootcamps have strong industry connections and can help place you in internships.

By using these resources and following these steps, you can increase your chances of finding and securing a remote computer science internship. Best of luck in your search!