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How can I find a job without letting my parents know, has anyone done this before?

I love expressing my own stories, and I have delt with some things and i'd like to have a job to help with some personal problems at home, can anyone help me if they are interested to help others through they're same problems.
I love to express my own songs and love to help those in need.

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Subject: Career question for you


5 answers

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Aleah’s Answer

I had to move out and get a job without telling my parents due to a bad home situation. My grandparents were life savers in this situation. If you can trust your grandparents, ask them for help. If not, go to an aunt or uncle, teacher, or other trusted adult. If you don’t have your own phone they can put their number down as a contact when you fill out applications. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from the adults in your life whom you trust. And have faith! Things will get better and you will be so proud of yourself five years from now! I was in a very rough place five years ago, struggling with domestic violence and abuse and didn’t see a way out. I now own my own home, am almost done with my bachelor’s degree, am the team lead at the clinic where I work, and currently have a teenager and my sister living with me, both of whom I helped get out of similar situations to my own. You can and will accomplish your goals with hard work and belief in yourself.

Aleah recommends the following next steps:

Ask a trusted adult for help. If you need a place to stay, see if you can stay with them. You may have to go to court to prove you are not safe at home.
Fill out applications for places you are interested in working.
Decide on a dream. Where do you want to be a year from now? Five years from now? Ten years from now?
Take steps toward achieving your dream such as applying to college.
Read “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale
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Christopher’s Answer

This is your life, not your parents. They should not even be a factor in your decision making. If you want a particular path or career, you have every right to follow it. The job of parents is to guide you, not punish you for something they don't agree with.
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Linda’s Answer

Oh honey I don't know what you are going through, I wish you could be more specific because there are a world of people, myself included who want to help you with whatever you need to feel safe. I can only surmise it can't be good if you are excluding the two people in the world you should be able to trust with any emotions or problems or concerns and so forth, your parents. I can promise you one thing I know for sure above all, if you reach out to us, the advisors here at career village you will be overwhelmed with the outpourings of true concern and the collective abilities of these people who want so much to help. No matter your current situation. This is why we are here and devoted so no one can slip through the cracks and with our little army of bright and generous soldiers we stand at the ready. Please let us help.
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Pam’s Answer

It seems like you and your loved ones could greatly benefit from therapeutic support. There are often free resources available in your local area or even online, such as AA or LifeRing. Considering a therapist could be a valuable step, especially since you're keen on resolving issues both for yourself and others. Numerous online courses could potentially steer you towards the path you're aiming for.

As for pursuing a career, be open to exploring any opportunities that come your way. Pay attention to whether it aligns with your aspirations. Starting with a job in a counseling service might be a good idea. As your life begins to improve, you might discover a passion for creative outlets like writing or music, which can be therapeutic for both you and others. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your well-being so you can effectively help others; you can't assist anyone if you're struggling yourself. Perhaps, penning lyrics for a musician could be your ultimate calling.

Remember, every journey begins with a single step. I hope you have access to a computer with internet connectivity. If not, a local counseling center might be able to provide one. Reach out to those you trust and seek their assistance in connecting with support groups. Don't let fear hold you back, there's always someone willing to lend a helping hand. Your evident drive to succeed is already half the battle won.

Wishing you all the very best on your journey.
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Mary Patrice’s Answer

Hello Foakautuu, I completely understand where you’re coming from. Each person’s journey is unique, and ultimately, this is your life. If you’re passionate about your career goals, it’s important to think whether it’s something you want to pursue long term.

There are several strategies you could consider. There are numerous opportunities to consider, such as part-time positions with flexible hours, remote work options, or starting a side hustle like selling handmade crafts or offering freelance services. You also might want to explore volunteering, engaging in social work, or participating in relevant competitions and community events. Lastly, you could also consider creating content for social media, joining local arts groups, or offering workshops and classes to connect with like-minded individuals and enhance your professional network. There are a lot of free resources available, and it could be a fun thing for you to look into. I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you need further advice or support!