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what is the best engineering school in the world?


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3 answers

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Paul’s Answer

In my opinion it is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT.
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Will’s Answer

Hey Kwenoi,

Welcome to CareerVillage and great job posting your first question!

Although the ranking might vary by year or criteria. Here's a list of the top engineering schools.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - United States
Stanford University - United States
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - United States
University of Cambridge - United Kingdom
Imperial College London - United Kingdom
ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Switzerland
National University of Singapore (NUS) - Singapore
Tsinghua University - China
University of Tokyo - Japan
Technical University of Munich (TUM) - Germany

Check the source here:

Good luck!
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Dennis’s Answer

Hello Kwenoi,
Your question can have many answers. WHO is evaluating WHAT? The listing from the previous answer is interesting. You may be interested in one of those schools. After you have graduated from one of them , just about anybody would recognize the name, and say: That's a good school." But there are many other schools to choose from. Do you believe that getting a degree from the "best" school will make you the best engineer? Make a list of successful engineers you know and find out where they got their degree. My suspicion is that you will find some very successful individuals who earned degrees at some of the less well-known schools.

I submit that the best school for YOU is the one that meets a different set of criteria. Only you can decide which school offers you the right degree choices, the electives, the right class size, the right mix of urban or rural atmosphere, etc. What about extra-curricular activities? How far is it from your home and how much will you spend to travel back and forth as often as you need to?
I recommend that you focus on meeting the admission requirements for most of the schools on that list. After you apply, and are accepted, you will be fortunate to have a choice of several of them and then you can answer this question for yourself.
Good luck, Kwenoi!