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I like fashion designing and interior designing. How do I know which one is right for me?

I am only 11 years old. I want to start designing clothes and maybe designing rooms. But I am to young to have a job and I don't know how to start. I am also a gymnast and dancer and I am going into 6th grade so I will be busy but I want to do this stuff in my free time. I have a sewing machine but lost the directions and don't know how to make clothes. I have great taste but have no room to design. Please help me find a way to do this stuff but give me a response that I will understand.

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Briella !

It's never too soon to learn about skills for a career. I am happy to know how ambitious you are and wanted to share some thoughts for you.

As for not being able to find the user manual for your sewing machine, a lot of user manuals are online so you can do a search for the user manual booklet that came with your sewing machine. I have left a couple of links for you below to look for your model sewing machine and if it's not there, just type in a search for your brand of sewing machine. You can also go to You Tube and do a search for your brand. Sometimes there are instructional presentations for certain kinds of sewing machines in video format in which a person shows you how to use the machine.

It's magnificent that you like both fashion and interior designs because they are both awesome careers which you will get a lot of satisfaction from. I think you realize that the way you are going to find out your niche for these careers is by doing and you certainly sound ready to do so. Sewing is one of those things that takes practice and we all have to start some time. There's a lot to learn so do not rush yourself and take it a step at a time.

It is very useful to use You Tube to learn how to sew. There seems to be millions of people on there showing their projects and demonstrating how to sew various things. Start with some simple things. Learn how to control the machine and learn the different fabrics and how to work with them. Buy a simple pattern for your first project when you are ready.

Another avenue that you may want to discover which is rather easy going is clothing repurposing. This would be delightful to start out with and consists of taking a garment and changing it into something else. People use old clothes that they don't want anymore and turn shirts into skirts, make hats and scarves from an old pullover sweater and just about any number of things and many can be hand sewn. Would you believe that I turned a Ralph Lauren jacket into a handbag ? It's really fun and you'll feel like you have something new. This process is also referred to as Recycling, Upcycling or Refashion. I have left some website links for this below.

You can consider (after asking your parents) getting a Sewing Tutor. I left a link for a list of the tutors that serve your area. Talk with your parents about this because there is most likely a fee for these tutors. You can also visit the store Michael's if you have one in your town and inquire about sewing workshops or classes because sometimes they offer them. Visit a fabric store and ask the staff if they know of any sewing classes in your town. I would also suggest to see if there are any classes at your school in home economics with an emphasis on sewing. Ask your parents to be involved because they just may know a good contact for you.

Please do not be discouraged or give up because it's always slow when you start out. Starting young is a great advantage as you will have more time to learn and be creative before going to fashion or design school. If you take it a step at a time and work it in between your gymnastics and dancing and don't put too much on yourself - it's okay to take it slow at first. Do some research online and you may find good projects to do for beginners and get a sense of accomplishment.

I hope that this helpful and something to start you off with this fabulous and exciting skill ! Be creative and have fun !

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Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice on sewing. Do you have any advice on how i could make Barbie clothes? My mom know how to use my sewing machine well and she said she would find time this week to teach me how to use it. But i also would like more advice on were to start with interior designing because I am just a little more interested in that then fashion. Briella
Thank you comment icon You know, I was almost going to say start out with Barbie clothes but didn't know if you were interested. Here is one tutorial about making Barbie clothes Many others can be found by doing a search online. Do start asking specific questions about Interior Design in a separate post because addressing two careers in one post can get very lengthy. We all would be happy to help ! Have a great day ! Michelle M.
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Tatiana’s Answer

You have a couple of years ahead to discover what you'll live for and what truly fulfills you. Embrace this time to unleash your creativity and explore your passions. As you enter new spaces, observe the design and unique elements that surround you. Notice what people use and how it makes them feel. Reflect on what makes you feel most comfortable and happy.

The beauty of design lies in its versatility - the fundamental principles of color, balance, light, harmony, and sensory experience can be applied to everything. So, keep your eyes wide open, let your mind soar, and allow yourself to be inspired by the world around you. BTW nature is the best way to inspires you by the shape, colors, textures ;)
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Irene’s Answer

Dear Briella,
It’s a very impressive package of talents you are developing at this young age!
I understand your desire to explore different ways of creative expression.
I’d say, try your hand at anything that’s interesting at the moment: be it fashion, or interiors, or garden designs, etc. it’s so much fun! Trust me.

While you’re learning how to use the sewing machine, you could sketch some ideas for those Barbie outfits, why don’t you? I remember sewing my dolls’ clothes by hand at the beginning, and very clumsily, too, but I loved doing it. In the process you learn to improve your technique just by doing it. Watch some YouTube videos on the basic hand stitching techniques, and go from there. Barbie outfits are actually easier to sew by hand just because they are small and require just a handful of stitches to hold together.

If you wanted to experiment with interior designs, there is this free tool that IKEA offers on their website for their customers. I designed multiple rooms on it, for my own home, and for some friends, too. It’s very intuitive and easy to use, tho on a weekend there’s lots of people logging in and it becomes slow. Just keep that in mind. I’ll post the link to the ‘office’ building software below. That ‘office’ includes all kinds of furniture. I was able to set up my own living room in there, before purchasing the actual pieces of furniture. You don’t need to purchase anything at the end, but you can check the final price of your selections. It is super useful for learning how the design choices influence the cost of the finished look.

Have fun playing with your Barbie, and enjoy your other creative activities!

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Julie Ann (Rachelle)’s Answer

Hi there! It's wonderful to hear that you're interested in both fashion design and interior design. These fields are full of creativity and imagination, just like what you see on Project Runway. It's inspiring to see how people can turn their ideas into reality, whether it's a beautiful dress or a stunning room.

You don't have to choose just one. Many people find ways to blend both interests. I know some students who studied fashion merchandising and then pursued interior design, using their skills in both areas to create unique and exciting projects. Let's explore your interests and see what excites you the most about each field.

**Explore Interests**
Let's start by thinking about what you enjoy doing in your free time:

1. Drawing or Designing Clothes: Do you love sketching dresses or outfits? Maybe you enjoy mixing colors and fabrics to create something new.
2. Designing Rooms: Have you ever rearranged your bedroom or designed spaces for your toys? Think about what you enjoyed most in these activities.
3.Can you tell me about a project or activity you enjoyed the most? Was it sketching a cool outfit or decorating a room?

**Skills Assessment**
Each field has its own set of skills that make it exciting and unique. Here's a bit about what each one involves:

a. Fashion Design:
1. Sketching: Creating designs on paper is a big part of fashion design. Do you enjoy drawing?
2. Fabric Selection: Choosing the right fabric is important for making clothes look and feel great.
3. Trend Awareness: Keeping up with the latest trends helps designers stay ahead of the curve.

b. Interior Design:
1.Spatial Awareness: This involves thinking about how furniture and decor fit together in a room.
2.Color Coordination: Matching colors in a room to create a harmonious look is key.
3.Practical Problem-Solving: Finding solutions for making spaces functional and beautiful.

Which skills do you feel more confident or excited about developing? Maybe you have a favorite skill from each area!

**Imagination Exercise**
Let's imagine a day in the life of a fashion designer and an interior designer. Close your eyes and think about what each day might look like:

a. Fashion Designer: Imagine sketching a new dress, picking out fabrics, and seeing your designs come to life on the runway.
b. Interior Designer: Picture yourself planning a room, choosing colors and furniture, and transforming spaces into beautiful, functional areas.

Which scenario excites you more? Which project would you be most excited to work on?

**Future Goals**
Think about how each career might align with your future goals:

a. Fashion Line: Do you dream of creating your own fashion line, with clothes that reflect your unique style?
b. Designing Homes, Offices, Hospitals, Schools, Stores, Hotels, Restaurants: Or maybe you see yourself designing beautiful homes that people love to live in.

What impact do you want to have with your work? Which field aligns more with your vision?

Remember, it's okay not to have all the answers right now. Your interests might change and grow over time. You can explore both fields through hobbies, classes, or clubs, and see what you enjoy most.

Try visiting design museums, attending workshops, or talking to professionals in each area. These experiences can help you learn more and make an informed decision.

You don't have to choose right away. Both fields offer exciting opportunities to be creative and make a difference. Keep exploring and following your curiosity. Your passions will guide you to the right path, and you'll discover amazing things about yourself along the way. Enjoy the journey!

Julie Ann (Rachelle) recommends the following next steps:

Let's start by thinking about what you enjoy doing in your free time:
Drawing or Designing Clothes: Do you love sketching dresses or outfits? Maybe you enjoy mixing colors and fabrics to create something new.
Designing Rooms: Have you ever rearranged your bedroom or designed spaces for your toys? Think about what you enjoyed most in these activities.
Can you tell me about a project or activity you enjoyed the most? Was it sketching a cool outfit or decorating a room?
Try visiting design museums, attending workshops, or talking to professionals in each area. These experiences can help you learn more and make an informed decision.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Briella!

Understanding Your Interests: Fashion Design vs. Interior Design

At 11 years old, it’s fantastic that you have interests in both fashion design and interior design! Both fields allow for creativity and self-expression, but they focus on different aspects of design. Here’s how you can explore each option to find out which one resonates with you more.

Step 1: Explore Your Interests

Fashion Design: This involves creating clothing and accessories. Think about the types of clothes you love to wear or see on others. Do you enjoy sketching outfits? Are there specific styles or trends that inspire you? You can start by looking at fashion magazines, websites, or even social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to gather ideas.

Interior Design: This focuses on designing spaces within homes or buildings. Consider how you feel about your own room or other spaces around you. Do you enjoy rearranging furniture, choosing colors, or decorating with different items? You might want to look at home decor magazines or online platforms for inspiration.

Step 2: Try Out Both Fields

Since you’re interested in both areas, why not try a little bit of each? Here are some fun activities:

For Fashion Design:

Sewing Projects: Since you have a sewing machine, start with simple projects like making pillowcases or tote bags. These will help you get comfortable with the machine.
Sketching Designs: Grab a sketchbook and start drawing your clothing ideas. Don’t worry about being perfect; just let your imagination flow.
Upcycling Clothes: Look through your closet for old clothes that you can modify or decorate. This is a great way to practice without needing new materials.

For Interior Design:

Room Makeover: Use what you have in your room to change things up! Rearranging furniture, adding new decorations (like posters or plants), or even changing bed linens can give your space a fresh look.
Mood Boards: Create mood boards using magazine cutouts or online images that represent styles and colors you love for rooms.
Virtual Room Design Tools: There are many free apps and websites where you can design rooms virtually. This could be a fun way to experiment without needing physical space!
Step 3: Learn More About Each Field

Online Tutorials: There are plenty of free resources available online for both fashion and interior design. Websites like YouTube have tutorials on sewing basics as well as interior decorating tips.

Books & Magazines: Visit your local library to find books on fashion design and interior design. Many children’s books introduce these topics in an engaging way.

Step 4: Balance Your Time

As a busy student involved in gymnastics and dance, it’s important to manage your time wisely:

Set aside specific times during the week when you can focus on either fashion or interior design.
Keep your projects small so they fit into your schedule without feeling overwhelming.
Step 5: Reflect on Your Experiences

After trying out various activities in both fields, take some time to think about what excites you the most:

Which projects did you enjoy more?
Did one area feel more fulfilling than the other?

This reflection will help guide your decision about which path might be right for you.


Remember that it’s perfectly okay not to choose just one path right now! Many designers work across multiple disciplines throughout their careers. The most important thing is to explore what makes you happy and excited about creating.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) - Provides insights into various design fields including fashion and interior design.
The National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) - Offers information on educational paths in art and design.
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) - A leading institution providing resources related to fashion education and industry insights.

God Bless You!
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Pam’s Answer

Hello, Dynamic Creative Spirit! My journey began much like yours, and now as an elder, I can share the path I took, though your path may veer in a different direction. It's truly wonderful to have a plethora of choices, which may seem vastly different at first, but in reality, they all cater to the creative spirit within you. Gymnastics and dance are physical arts, just as ballet, violin, and horseback riding were for me. Like you, I had a passion for drawing which blossomed into experimenting with various mediums such as pencils, pastels, acrylics, screen print, watercolor, and oil. I also dabbled in three-dimensional art, creating pieces in plastic, steel, and clay.

At your tender age, I too wanted to commit to a particular path! Like you might be, I was an overachiever and often compared myself to others. I soon realized that there will always be someone more skilled. But don't fret, this realization will lead you to discover your true talents and what truly brings you joy. For me, it was interior design, specifically commercial business design.

While having focused goals is commendable, remember that you are always free to evolve and change directions. There's no harm in pursuing multiple interests - one can be your primary goal, and another can be something you simply delight in. So, unleash your creativity - rearrange your bedroom, experiment with colors and fabrics, continue sewing (find instructions for your machine), embroider, draw with oil pastels, and dance to your heart's content. Recognize your own talents, take others' feedback as constructive criticism, not a personal attack. The puzzle pieces of your life will gradually come together, and sometimes, they might take an unexpected turn. I transitioned from interior design to photography, then back to interior design. Remember, your life is not set in stone, and as a creative, evolution is what makes us unique and special.
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Linda’s Answer

Hi Briella, I love it! 11 years old and you have a full life planned. My first reaction is to advise you to slow down and be a kid. Life is short and adulthood is but a moment away but there is time for you to prepare and enjoy a carefree life until the your responsibilities to society kicks in. I will try to explain this without getting to far ahead.
I knew at 11 I wanted to be an interior designer I believe I was born one and like you needed an outlet to express all the creative energy in my head and realized there is design in everything. So I became a sponge and looked, really looked at the world around me. Turns out I found this great big beautiful puzzle where everything fits together. In well thought thru places. The puzzle pieces fit together seamlessly and worked to serve and functioned as a aid to the environment and it's inhabadince . In other places it did not work well and needed my help. For example: A sidewalk cafe with beautiful table and chairs but the backs and arms of the chairs are too large and take up need room to maneuver the pathway causing difficulties and placement of the furniture is such that the rising sun made the light blinding. Clearly needed rethinking. A redesign of the chairs, with endless possibilities like maybe a bench seat or backless stool! Rearrange seating to avoid direct sunlight or add a carefully placed awning to solve the puzzle. I found these things everywhere and small ones I could fix I did, bigger one I made suggestions to whom it concerned. In our home I would practice on a unruly hall closet until it was functional and pleasing aesthetically. I would draw room that needed help and solve the puzzle on paper. I never stopped Looking and still do this everyday because as it also turns out there are endless creative ideas you can add to your own catalog in your head where you can access at anytime in you life and make use of. This exercise works with all creative though, in fashion the way a table cloth is flow over and down the table may give you direction and spawn a beautiful designer gown or the way bricks are stacked or placed a creative shoe design may appear. There is design in everything, do you see what I mean. You must become a master of spotting the things and practice what you discover this will build you confidence and then get an education, I have a fine arts degree, it will polish you skills and confidence. If you like to draw do so often. I carry a tablet and pencils with me every where and if I have any free time between appointments or after lunch or quite time I draw and I record the ideas running thru my imagination so they are not lost in my busy life . These are a few beginning steps to get your creative energy working for you and train your good taste and design instincts.
I have not even touched on the work needed to be a good designer. Interior Designer is a service we perform for our clients and problem solving is a major component requiring a knowledge that is expansive with alot of moving parts. In other words you need to know a little about alot and alot about alot and maintain this knowledge. Fashion design is self promotion where you must set trends, be current, relevant and and innovative and in a world of attention spams of consumers the size of an ant. You will need a huge dose of unstoppable and your best dance shoes to success you are in for the tap dance of you life . You need to learn how to make impeccable patterns and sew impeccably . This you should begin, so you can build a portfolio. There is a great deal to study but you are lucky you can begin so young and try these things and see if this is where your passion lies. Be brave and don't be afraid to take chances . You will have failures some big, some small and try to learn the lesson they will teach you and don't be discouraged the human spirit is amazing and unstoppable when you put your mind to it. Show us what you can do work harder than anyone you know have a happy additude and be honest and kind and you will have a happy life spent. I hope I made this so you understand and is useful. Good luck to you, you will be in my thoughts.