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What are things I can start doing now as a junior in High School to help get into the college I want to for Robotic Engineering. ?

I already have a list of great schools and in many STEM related clubs but is there anything else I could be doing?

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Doc’s Answer

Genesis, STEM skills are essential for any career in robotics. Furthermore, hands-on learning is an effective way to develop STEM skills and provide you with practical experience working in robotics.

Incorporate robotics into your curriculum with robotics courses offered in your school. A good robotics curriculum typically includes hands-on activities such as building and programming robots, and teaches you how to design, test, and refine your creations. A robotics curriculum can help you develop skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, as well as prepare them for careers in STEM fields like engineering and computer science. Additionally, robotics training can help you gain an understanding of ethical and social implications as well. As technology continues to evolve, incorporating robotics into high school curriculums can help ensure that you're prepared for the future job market.

High schools can establish robotics clubs to encourage students to explore their budding interest in the field. These clubs can provide students with opportunities to build robots and participate in competitions. Robotics clubs also foster teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.

Participating in robotics competitions is an excellent way for high school students to gain experience. Competitions offer students the opportunity to design, build, and program robots to compete against other teams. Attending robotics competitions and events can also be a great way to make connections in the robotics community. These events often bring together professionals and enthusiasts from a wide range of backgrounds, providing opportunities to learn and network.

Internships and apprenticeships provide students with hands-on experience in the field. High school students can intern or apprentice with robotics companies or research institutions to gain practical experience and learn from experts in the field.

There are many extracurricular programs that high school students can participate in to prepare them for a future career in robotics. These programs include summer camps, after-school programs, and online courses. Extracurricular programs provide students with additional opportunities to learn about robotics and gain hands-on experience.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is really helpful. Genesis
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Will’s Answer

Hi Genesis,

Welcome to CareerVillage and great job posting your first question here!

It's really impressive that you've started looking into the STEM related clubs. Here are some additional steps you can take to strengthen your college application for a program in Robotic Engineering:

# Academic Excellence
High GPA: Maintain a high GPA, particularly in STEM subjects.

# Extracurricular Activities
Competitions: Participate in robotics competitions such as FIRST Robotics, VEX Robotics, or other science fairs and engineering challenges.
Projects: Work on personal or group robotics projects. Document these projects and consider creating a portfolio or a blog to showcase your work.
Internships: Seek internships or job shadowing opportunities in engineering or technology companies to gain practical experience.
Research: Get involved in research projects, either through your school or local universities. Look for summer research programs for high school students.

# Skills Development
Programming: Learn programming languages commonly used in robotics, such as Python, C++, or Java. Online courses and coding bootcamps can be very helpful.
Electronics: Gain a basic understanding of electronics and circuit design. Kits like Arduino or Raspberry Pi can be useful for hands-on learning.
Soft Skills: Develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills. These are often emphasized in college applications and interviews.

# College Preparation
Standardized Tests: Prepare for and take standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. Aim for high scores, especially in the math and science sections.
Letters of Recommendation: Build strong relationships with your teachers and mentors who can write compelling letters of recommendation.
College Visits: If possible, visit the colleges on your list to get a feel for their programs and campus culture.

# Application Materials
Personal Statement: Write a compelling personal statement that highlights your passion for robotics and engineering. Mention any relevant experiences and future goals.
Resume: Create a detailed resume that includes your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, work experience, and any special projects or competitions you’ve participated in.

# Networking
Mentorship: Seek out mentors in the field of robotics or engineering who can provide guidance and advice.
Professional Organizations: Join professional organizations such as the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) or local engineering societies to network and learn more about the field.

# Financial Planning
Scholarships: Research and apply for scholarships specifically for STEM students or those interested in engineering.
Financial Aid: Understand the financial aid options available at the colleges you’re interested in and plan accordingly.

By taking these steps, you’ll not only strengthen your college application but also gain valuable skills and experiences beneficial.

Best luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you this is very helpful Genesis
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Dan’s Answer

You can gain valuable experience on your own using the Arduino or Raspberry PI microcontrollers. These microcontrollers are programmable in either C or Python and have a huge amount of free online projects and tutorials. You can Google “Arduino Projects” then pick one of the many project tutorials that appeal to you.

Raspberry PI Models:
Raspberry PI Pico 2 - This is a microcontroller, priced at $5.
Raspberry PI Pico W - Similar to the one above but it includes WiFi, priced at $6.
Raspberry PI Zero 2 W - Another microcontroller with WiFi, priced at $16
Raspberry PI 5 - This is actually a computer rather than a microcontroller, starting price of $60+.

Arduino Models:
Arduino Uno R3 - Microcontroller priced at about $4 from or $27 from a stateside vendor.
Arduino Mega 2560 R3 - Similar to the above but faster with more I/O, priced about $10 from Aliexpress or $48 from a stateside vendor.

I suggest you start with an Arduino Uno R3 from plus get a starter kit with wires and components for about $10. This is the least expensive option.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much Genesis
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Martha’s Answer

Hi Genesis, I commend you for your academic interest and courtesy displayed here. You have received excellent advice, but I would like to add the following:
- It is not the quantity of STEM clubs that matters but the quality of your participation. As James said, can you show leadership and/or initiative in at least one? Can you demonstrate your personal or intellectual growth through your participation? Leadership doesn't have to be the presidency of the club (although that is obviously good). It could be leading a team for a particular competition or leading an aspect of a build project.
- Will mentioned a "compelling" personal statement. Sometimes students think this means a big event, such as winning a competition or prize or discovering something new. Those certainly could be - but don't have to be - part of a terrific statement. The key is to think about why you like robotics, how you have benefited from your participation, and what you want to do with it. Maybe begin to jot down notes now so you will have something to start from next summer.
Good luck!
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Genesis
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Genesis!

Here's Your Action Plan to Boost Your College Application for Robotics Engineering

As a high school junior with a passion for robotics engineering, you can take several steps to make your college application more compelling. Here's a detailed roadmap to help you navigate through various activities and strategies:

1. Prioritize Academic Performance
Aim for Top Grades: Strive for excellent grades, especially in math and science subjects like calculus, physics, and chemistry, which are the pillars of engineering.
Take Advanced Placement (AP) Courses: If available, enroll in STEM-related AP courses such as AP Calculus, AP Physics, and AP Computer Science to showcase your readiness for college-level studies.

2. Prepare for Standardized Tests
Gear Up for SAT/ACT: Start your preparation for standardized tests early. Use practice tests and consider prep courses if needed. Aim to achieve scores that match or surpass the average scores of your preferred colleges.
Take Subject Tests: If possible, take SAT Subject Tests in Math or Science to further highlight your expertise.

3. Engage in Extracurricular Activities
Join STEM Clubs and Competitions: Stay active in STEM-oriented clubs like robotics clubs, math clubs, or science fairs. Take on leadership roles or spearhead projects to show initiative.
Participate in Robotics Competitions: Enter competitions like FIRST Robotics or VEX Robotics. These experiences offer practical learning and exhibit your teamwork and problem-solving abilities.

4. Gain Relevant Experience
Find Internships or Summer Programs: Look for internships at nearby engineering firms or join summer programs centered on robotics or engineering. This hands-on experience will boost your practical knowledge and make your application more attractive.
Volunteer: Participate in community service projects that involve technology or education, such as tutoring younger students in math or science.

5. Develop Technical Skills
Master Programming Languages: Learn programming languages frequently used in robotics like Python, C++, or Java. Websites like Codecademy or Coursera provide free resources.
Undertake Hands-On Projects: Create personal projects using robotics kits (like Arduino or Raspberry Pi) to hone your practical skills and build a portfolio of your work.

6. Network and Find a Mentor
Connect with Industry Professionals: Network with professionals in robotics at events, LinkedIn, or local meetups. They can offer industry insights and potential opportunities.
Seek a Mentor: Find a mentor experienced in engineering who can guide you through the college application process and offer valuable career advice.

7. Research Colleges Extensively
Know Admission Requirements: Each college has unique admission criteria; familiarize yourself with these requirements early.
Visit Campuses: If feasible, tour the campuses of the schools you're interested in to understand their environment and culture.

8. Start Application Materials Early
Draft Personal Statement/Essays: Begin writing your personal statement early; reflect on your desire to study robotics engineering and the experiences that have influenced this interest.
Secure Letters of Recommendation: Cultivate strong relationships with teachers who can write persuasive letters of recommendation that highlight your strengths.

9. Stay Updated on Industry Trends
Follow Industry Developments: Stay informed about robotics technology advancements by reading articles from reputable sources like IEEE Spectrum or MIT Technology Review.

By diligently following this plan throughout your junior year, you will not only increase your chances of admission to a top robotics engineering college but also lay a solid foundation for your future success.

Top 3 Credible Sources Used:

College Board - Provides extensive information about standardized testing preparation and college admissions processes.

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) - Shares insights into the engineering profession including educational pathways.

FIRST Robotics - A premier organization promoting youth involvement in competitive robotics programs that emphasize STEM education principles.

God Bless You!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Genesis
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Patrick’s Answer

Genesis, it's great that as a high school junior with a dream to delve into Robotic Engineering in college, you're already setting the foundation by actively engaging in STEM clubs. I realize there are quite a few, but here are some additional beneficial steps I think you could take to enhance your college applications:

1. Advanced Studies: Embrace the toughest courses on offer, particularly in math, physics, and computer science. Think about enrolling in AP or IB classes if they're available.

2. Robotics Contests: Join competitions such as FIRST Robotics, VEX Robotics, or BotBall. These offer practical experience and showcase your enthusiasm for robotics.

3. Community Service: Get involved in STEM outreach initiatives, like mentoring younger students in robotics or volunteering at science fairs.

4. Essays and Personal Narratives: Begin working on your college essays ahead of time. Concentrate on expressing your love for robotics and the steps you've taken to pursue it.

5. Recommendation Letters: Foster strong bonds with teachers, especially those teaching STEM subjects, who can provide powerful recommendations.

6. Leadership Positions: Assume leadership roles in your STEM clubs or robotics teams. Colleges appreciate leadership experience.

7. Certifications: Think about obtaining relevant certifications such as Arduino or ROS to display your technical prowess.

8. College-Specific Initiatives: Investigate and partake in any pre-college programs offered by your prospective schools, particularly those connected to engineering or robotics.

9. Standardized Test Preparation: Even though many colleges have become test-optional, impressive SAT/ACT scores, especially in math and science sections, can still enhance your application.

10. Internships or Job Shadowing: Look for opportunities at local engineering firms, robotics companies, or research labs. Even brief experiences can be beneficial.

11. Online Learning: Enroll in online courses in robotics, AI, or related fields via platforms like Coursera, edX, or MIT OpenCourseWare.

12. Research: Undertake independent research or assist with ongoing projects at local universities or companies. This shows academic drive and curiosity.

13. Personal Projects: Create your own robotics projects. Record your process, obstacles, and solutions. This demonstrates initiative and practical skills.

14. Makerspaces and Hackathons: Join local makerspaces or hackathons to gain practical experience and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

15. Professional Networking: Attend robotics conferences, workshops, or local meetups to network with professionals and stay updated on the latest advancements in the field.

16. Robotics Blog or YouTube Channel: Share your expertise and projects online. This exhibits enthusiasm and communication abilities.

Genesis, always keep in mind that colleges seek well-rounded individuals who show enthusiasm, initiative, and potential in their chosen area. Complement your robotics-focused activities with other hobbies and ensure strong academic performance across all subjects. As I've always advised my children, it's crucial to keep detailed records of all your activities, projects, and accomplishments. This information will be priceless when completing college applications and crafting your essays.