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when should you take mcat prep courses?

I am A sophmore in Highschool when should I do MCAT prep. Should I start it in high school or should i wait till college. I need help with it asap becuse i dont know

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4 answers

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Rita’s Answer

I would wait until college. How can you take a test when you haven't even learned the material. You can take classes in high school and during the summer, take extra classes at a junior college and then maybe take practice MCAT tests.
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Mary Jane’s Answer

Hi Ava,

You should prep for the MCAT when you have completed all the college courses that are test on the exam. You can find the content of the exam on the AAMC website here:

Many students are able to begin studying for the MCAT in their third year of college, but if you haven't completed all your coursework, it's worth delaying your prep and testing window by a year or even two. It's a huge exam so as others have said, you'll want to dedicate 3-6 months of review, study, and practice.

The best things you can do now:
1) Take a lot of challenging math and science courses and learn how to perform well in them. Don't stop at the minimum because the more you see in high school, the stronger you'll be in college.
2) Shadow or do informational interviews with physicians to determine if you actually want to become a doctor.
3) Start saving money for things like prep courses and materials, as well as for the costs of med school applications. The process is very expensive and getting started on a "Med School Application Fund" will give you so much peace of mind in the future.

Good luck!
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Ava !

You wouldn't be taking the MCAT until after your Junior year in undergraduate college, so you have much time yet. You would take the exam in about 6 years from now.

It is recommended that you prep for the exam three to six months in advance of the exam, so you have plenty of time to do this.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Michelle! Ava
Thank you comment icon You are welcome, Ava ! Michelle M.
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Michael’s Answer

The MCAT covers college level courses. I have recommended that students use one of the MCAT preparation books as they work through the course materials. Amazing how many questions on college exams look similar to those in the prep books. There are many prep books available and many ANKI decks for each subject available for free on the internet.

You will not need to take a course specific to MCAT preparation until you have finished all your required classes in the sciences and social sciences. Hopefully by the time you take a prep course you will be well prepared, not see any new material in the review course, and may not need a expensive course to obtain a great score.

You should also be aware that many schools are requesting that you take the PREtest. That is a "Professional Readiness Exam". You can find the content on the internet. There is a competing exam that is accepted by some schools. I think that this is a trend where all schools will be requiring in the near future. Ethics is a great course to take in preparation for this exam.