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How could I become a heart doctor??

I always want to become a heart surgeon or a neurosurgeon because my mom was always a PA and I always wanted to follow her steps.

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2 answers

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Hwal’s Answer


The information on the "how to" shouldn't be too difficult to find as long as you're on the web. Check out this information I found:

Since you mentioned your mum was a PA, and I'm a PA, here's a link to an article on what's it's like to be a cardiology PA:

Let me know if you have any specific questions I can help with. Good luck!

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Perry’s Answer

Hello Kaden et al,

[Unless things have changed since my training days. Disclaimer: I'm a psychiatrist, obviously not a surgeon.]

One must go to college, medical school, then

For cardiac surgery, you do a 5 year General Surgery residency. AFTER that, you do a 2 year Thoracic Surgery fellowship.

For neurosurgery, I'm sure that you do a first year General Surgery internship, and then I'm less certain but I believe that Neurosurgery is a residency unto itself. 5 or 6 years I believe. So one year general surgical internship, and then 5 to 6 years of a neurosurgery residency.

I hope others will correct me if I got any of this wrong.

The chronology is simple enough, but surgery is a HARD field. Residency is difficult. Long hours. Not for the faint of heart. But those who love it, love it.

I hope this helps.