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How can I go pro ?

I want to go pro when am older and I just want to know the steps it takes and want to get to know what I can do to help me go pro and want to know the steps it take to make it and want to do what I want to do and go pro cus that’s always been my dream and am only 14 and am in middle school but I just want to know what can I do the steps it takes

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Fred’s Answer

Becoming a professional athlete is very difficult. It is a job, with an employer (the club/team) and an employee (you). So you have to think of it as applying for any other job. You have to develop the skills needed to make you valuable to the employer. You have to show you are the best candidate for the job.

For a career in sports, you have to be incredibly lucky as well. Much of the process is out of your control.

what you can do is practice to develop your skills. Play in leagues so people can see your skills. Play on your high school team. Play on your college team - but again to do these, you need to be good enough to make the team, and there is no guarantee that will happen.