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What would be the easiest thing to do to be an entrepreneur?

I am seventeen years old and I am an 12th grader and I want to know the best way to start a small business, so I can start as soon as possible.

Thank you comment icon Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you want to become an entrepreneur. Have you thought about what industry you want to start your business? Below are my suggestions: 1. Think about what industry you want to start your business, something you have interest or you have interest 2. Do some analysis on the industry, eg entry criteria, competition status, any alternative or substitute, etc 3. Attend industry related courses and management courses 4. Work in the industry some time to understand the operating model and establish people network 5. Start the business online first if possible Hope this helps! Good luck! May Almighty God bless you! Rebecca Tang

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6 answers

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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you want to become an entrepreneur. Have you thought about what industry you want to start your business?
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about what industry you want to start your business, something you have interest or you have interest
2. Do some analysis on the industry, eg entry criteria, competition status, any alternative or substitute, etc
3. Attend industry related courses and management courses
4. Work in the industry some time to understand the operating model and establish people network
5. Start the business online first if possible
Hope this helps! Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Jonathan’s Answer

My response to your questions is not what you are expecting but in my opinion good advice well worth considering nonetheless.

1) if you are 17 years old, a 12th grader and seeking "the easiest way to become an entrepreneur" I suggest some introspection and hopefully a mental reset. Nothing worthwhile and durable comes "easily" in this life and anything worth achieving is worth working hard-VERY HARD for. Success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to fall down and get up, time after time after time without giving up. So if you're already looking for the easy way to succeed, you are already planning to fail before you start.
2) so in addition to the other good advice offered by others here, I suggest the following as you reconsider your capacity for life as an entrepreneur:
-do the hard things first, don't avoid them or procrastinate just because they're hard.
-surround yourself with successful people who can be mentors and set examples for you to follow; the lessons you learn from them will be invaluable.
-overcome your fear of failure; each failure takes you one step closer to success.
-run don't walk away from people offering you "quick" and "easy" "how to" solutions-if they had real solutions they would be practicing them instead of selling webinars for a living. don't allow attraction to shortcuts to become addictions or bad habits.
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Bob’s Answer

The first step in being an entrepreneur is a keen sense of endless curiosity. Entrepreneurs, realizing that every problem is actually an oportunity, will ask themselves "how do I identify the problem and how might I solve it"?

For example, years ago a friend/salesman asked himself why he separately carried a two way phone, a pager, a calendar, an address book and note pads. He then got together with engineers and roughly designed the first cell phone. The rest is history.

Another friend read an article about cracks and leaks in large underground water pipes. He then patented a basic floating device with a camera and remote communication capabilities.

Every day you will be faced with problems, that your unique background, interests, perspective and curiosity will mold into opportunities.
Of those you think you know how to address and solve, you will have taken the first easy step in your entrepreneurial journey.

Bob recommends the following next steps:

Purchase a "Thinkpak", or similar group of cards. They will help you to question and seize upon opportunities
Ask yourself, why you do the things that you do? Is there a better way? Is there a product or service idea there?
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Adaobi’s Answer

Absolutely! Embarking on the path of entrepreneurship is a thrilling adventure, and while there's no universal blueprint, I can provide you with some clear steps to kickstart your journey. Keep in mind, being an entrepreneur is not just about launching a business—it's about breathing life into your distinctive vision. Here are some crucial steps:

1. Identify a Lucrative Business Idea: Begin by pinpointing a market need or a problem you're eager to solve. Your business concept should resonate with your hobbies and abilities.

2. Craft Your Product: Once your idea is in place, focus on developing a product or service that fills that need. Whether it's a tangible product, software, or a service, prioritize excellence and worth.

3. Verify Your Product: Before fully diving in, validate your product with potential clients. Collect feedback, carry out surveys, and test prototypes. Ensure there's a market for what you're proposing.

4. Draft a Business Plan: A business plan sketches out your objectives, target market, promotional strategy, financial forecasts, and operational specifics. It's your guide to triumph.

5. Obtain Funding: Depending on your business type, you might require funds. Look into avenues like personal savings, loans, or attracting investors. Self-fund if feasible, but don't hesitate to seek external funding if necessary.

6. Launch Your Business: Set a launch date and unveil your product to the world. Leverage social media, your contacts, and other promotional channels to generate excitement.

7. Operate Your Business: As an entrepreneur, you'll juggle numerous roles—marketing, sales, operations, and more. Stay flexible, learn from missteps, and continually fine-tune your strategy.

Remember, the path of entrepreneurship may not always be smooth, but it can be profoundly gratifying. Wishing you the very best on your entrepreneurial voyage!
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Adaobi’s Answer

The easiest way to start as an entrepreneur is to **identify a simple, profitable idea** that solves a common problem.Begin small, test your idea, and gradually expand as you gain experience and confidence.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for giving me advice. Jasmine
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Biplab’s Answer

Partner with people who know what they are doing and who you can trust. Build expertise for yourself in the area that you intend to enter the market for.