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What is the process of becoming a Dermatologist?

I am currently in high school and I am very interested in becoming a dermatologist (specifically in Dubai, Sydney, or Melbourne) How long is the process of becoming a dermatologist and what subjects are important for me to take in IB. What universities would you recommend for each stage?

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Altamash’s Answer

It's great that you're asking this question and already thinking about your future in dermatology at such an early stage. Becoming a dermatologist is a rewarding but long process, and planning ahead will definitely help.

1. High School (International Baccalaureate - IB)
During IB, it’s important to focus on key subjects like:
- Biology (Higher Level): This will give you a strong foundation in life sciences, essential for medicine.
- Chemistry (Higher Level): Most medical schools require chemistry as part of their admission criteria.
- Mathematics (Standard or Higher Level): Math, especially statistics, will be useful in medical research and understanding clinical data.
- English: Excellent communication skills will help you with research papers and patient interactions.
- Psychology (Optional): Understanding human behavior can help you relate to patients better.

2. Undergraduate Degree (Pre-Medical/Medical Entry)
Duration: 4-5 years (varies by country).
After high school, you will need to complete a medical degree such as MBBS or MD.
Universities in Dubai:
- Dubai Medical College (offers MBBS programs)
- Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Universities in Sydney and Melbourne:
- University of Sydney (Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine)
- Monash University, Melbourne (MBBS)
- University of Melbourne (MD)

3. Postgraduate Medical Training (Specializing in Dermatology)
After completing your general medical degree, postgraduate training involves:
- Internship: 1 year of general medical experience.
- Residency in Dermatology: 3-4 years of specialized training in skin, hair, and nail disorders.
In Dubai, postgraduate programs can be pursued at institutions like Mohammed Bin Rashid University or through the Dubai Health Authority.
In Australia, universities like the University of Sydney and University of Melbourne offer specialty training programs in dermatology, and you’ll need to complete general medical training first. In Australia, dermatology training is regulated by the Australasian College of Dermatologists.

4. Licensing and Practice
Dubai: You’ll need to pass the exams from the Dubai Health Authority or Ministry of Health to practice as a dermatologist in the UAE.
Australia: You will need to pass the Australian Medical Council (AMC) exams and complete residency requirements to practice in Sydney or Melbourne.

Total Duration:
- Undergraduate Medicine: 4-6 years
- Internship: 1 year
- Dermatology Residency/Specialization: 3-4 years
Total time: 8-11 years, including undergraduate and specialized training

For now I will suggest you to
- Focus on excelling in subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics during your IB.
- Research specific entry requirements for medical schools in your preferred country.
- Engage in extracurricular activities related to healthcare or science to make your application stronger.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! This is all extremely helpful and I'm so happy I'm aware of this now! Sarah
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Gary’s Answer

Hello, excellent answers, very thorough as well. My only addition would be that Dermatology is a highly desired residency among medical students. So, you need to keep your grades and test scores at the top of your class. Spend time with doctors who are willing to help you develop the skills necessary to excel as a Dermatologist. Perhaps including plastic surgeons, also doctors who specialize in various injections such as anesthesia and pain management. Best wishes, now get back to studying.
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Michael’s Answer

Hi Sarah:

Here are the top colleges and universities to consider for Dermatology in Singapore:

- The National University of Singapore
- Nanyang Technological University

Here are the top colleges and universities to consider for Dermatology in Australia:

- University of Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- University of Melbourne
- The University of Queensland
- Monash University, Melbourne
- Queensland University of Technology
- The University of Western Australia
- Griffith University
- The University of Newcastle

Here are the top colleges and universities to consider for Dermatology in or near Dubai:

- MBRU - Biomedical Research Center
- Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
- United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)
- Gulf Medical University
- King's College Hospital, Dubai
- Dubai Medical College for Girls (DMCG)

While in college, here are some undergraduate degrees to major in order to become a Dermatologist:

- Organic Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Chemistry

It will be best to seek advice from your high school guidance counselor as well as teachers to help you focus your interests for a specific major in college.

While in high school, one will need to focus on science and math classes to prepare to be a Dermatologist. Chemistry and biology will be the core science courses. For math, algebra, calculus and statistics will be needed. Both concentrations will enable you to focus and refine your analytical skills for research; complex problem solving; investigative and innovative critical thinking; attention to detail; etc.

Other skills that will need to be built upon center around team building, team work and communication. In any work culture, collaboration among team members, staff and partner departments occur on a daily basis. As a Dermatologist, communication is essential and critical when dealing with clinical staff and patients. A college course in Public Speaking, Communication and English will help with one's communication and writing skills.

To become a Dermatologist, a Bachelor Degree in Biology, Chemistry, pre-med or another science related field has to be earned at a college or university. Afterwards, a Doctorate Degree from an accredited medical school has to be obtained. The next phase will be training through a medical residency as well as medical certification and licensing.

For education and training, it will take up to 12 years to become a Dermatologist. The Bachelor Degree will be between 4-5 years. Medical school (Allopathic (MD Degree)) or Osteopathic (DO Degree) will be another 4-5 years. Medical residency, medical certification and licensing can take up to 3-4 years. Dermatology Certification is obtained via governing entities either in Singapore, Australia or Dubai.

When reviewing colleges and universities, it is best to check the following:

- In-State vs Out of State Tuition
- Internships
- Scholarships
- Career Placement upon graduation
- Course work and offered classes
- Post-Graduate Degrees - Master and Doctoral

There are scholarships based on need, academic performance, school activities, sports involvement and community service. So, it will be to your advantage to seek out these types of scholarships. All of the academic staff at your high school that you interact with can write letters of recommendations for you based on what was just stated above. These recommendations can greatly help when filling out college and scholarship applications.

Scholarship applications can start to be submitted during your Junior year and will continue throughout your Senior year in high school. It is best to ask your Academic Advisor/School Counselor on the timeline process as well. Scholarship applications will have specific deadlines and requirements to meet in order to be submitted for review and consideration.

You may want to start to compile your resume/portfolio since a majority of scholarship applications will require academic grade point average (GPA), academic accomplishments, school activities (clubs, sports, etc.), community involvement (volunteer, church, etc.), academic and personal recommendations, etc. There may be essay requirements on why you are a qualified candidate to receive the scholarship, what your future goals are academically and professionally and other questions centering around who you are, your beliefs, etc.

Also, it will be best to check with the colleges and universities that you will be applying to. You can check with the School/Department of your desired major, the Campus Career Center and the Register's Office for additional information for college scholarships and grants and specific requirements for qualifications.

Best wishes for your education and career path as a Dermatologist!
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! I really appreciate it !! Sarah