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How would I go about opening an orphanage by the time I turn 18?

Background info: I was adopted when I was 5 (Now I am 15). I always knew my purpose in life was to help I just never knew how. As I was praying for God to reveal to me his purpose for my life over the next few months the only thought in my mind was helping children/ teens who don't have homes or who are all alone and going through so many things. I really want to do this but the Lord says faith without works is dead so I want to move in whatever way I can to set the vision and complete it any information is very helpful
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Analia !

I am happy to know that there is an interest in serving children this way as I had this same exact inquiry here a while back but would be happy to give you the advice as well.

The contemporary version of an Orphanage is now termed as a Group Home or Transitional Housing Program at which the clients receive services for permanent housing. That usually consists of Section 8 or a voucher program. There are no more orphanages these days. Also, keep in mind that most of the clients for this today are not orphans, they are just people whose parents couldn't take care of them. So when the government took over the foster care system, orphanages seemed to transition into being group homes and transitional housing as well as other programs. The children that would have gone to orphanages yesteryear now go to a foster care system that is run by local Departments of Social Services or Child Protective Services Agencies. So the process and services have changed.

My advice, after being a one time private social service case manager for 27 years, would be that if you really want to do this, go to college and get a degree in Early Childhood Development or Psychology. You will be serving clients that are about 18 years old or a little older. A background in a behavioral science will give you a good knowledge foundation. You can consider minoring in business management. Pick a college that has special courses for Non-Profit Management and Administration. Much importance will be to get a strong background in Grant Writing, as well.

After you graduate, you have two options. You can work for the child welfare department at a town or city Dept. of Social Services or you can start a Group Home. The latter will be very expensive because you literally have to buy a house first. If you want to start a transitional housing program instead -you'll have to buy a house or a commercial building and refurbish it to suit rooms and offices and all the regulations of your town or city. Have you visited a transitional housing or group home ? I would suggest that you do a search for some in your town and take a tour to see what the physicality looks like and you can ask any questions to the program director there.

I kind of wanted to throw this story in. When I was about 4 or 5 years old, my mother oversaw a puppet show at my sister's school and they performed at an orphanage, yes a real one, about in the mid 1960's. It was huge and the grounds were beautiful and when I think back on that memory, it would cost probably billions today to duplicate what that was. Remember, there is staff and utilities to pay, food service, maintenance, clothing and hygiene for the children. It's just not doable today, really. I had a good old time running around and playing with the children there and it always served to be a good memory for me.

Another thing for you to consider is to start a program for this population (foster system aged out teens). All you would need to do this would be to buy a building for offices and funding through grants and donations. You'd learn how to do this through your college experience. So, you would be the Executive Director and you'd need to hire case managers and can use volunteers and college interns. This is very doable if you take it step by step and learn the business end of the non-profit sector.

This type of service is very much needed for a population that is quite underserved. It is so awesome that you want to be involved in this type of work. I hope this is helpful for a start and I wish you all the best moving forward with plans. You will make a huge difference in people's lives if you pursue this career !
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much, this is very helpful I will definitely look into these options❤️ Analia
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome ! Michelle M.
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Fred’s Answer

Opening an orphanage is going to be HARD, let alone by age 18. I'm not even sure if you can. There is going to be some basic level of education and certification to be a caregiver. You'll need a staff, with everything from other caregivers to maintenance to cooks to accountants.

Then you need funding. Unless you are extremely wealthy, you have to figure out how you will pay for everything. Food, equipment, rent, disposables, gas, electricity, water...

And i have no idea how you'd even acquire children to care for. Seems like it would be hard to just hang up a sign saying "Babies wanted".

It is a noble idea, and i don't mean to discourage you, but you also need to be realistic, and see the obstacles ahead of you. If you are 15, you are probably in high school. You most likely have a career counselor who can help you as well. They may have better ideas for a college or trade school that would help. Maybe you could start by volunteering or working at an orphanage/children's home near you.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, I understand that this will be a very difficult thing to do. But I am very determined although you gave me a good insight Analia
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Vickie’s Answer

Wow! I'm impressed by your faith and interest in giving back to the community. I would suggest volunteering at a group home or asking for a tour to become acquainted with the inner workings. This will give you a good sense of whether this is the direction you're being called. Another first step could be to initiate/create a support program for orphans/adopted kids, fosters, or generally displaced children at your local church or community center - some place that already has infrastructure and experience with organizing programs, and perhaps even has some funding available. These are steps you could take while still in highschool, and, if successful, you could continue through college if you go the route Michelle M. suggested. Best of luck in your endeavor!
Thank you comment icon Thank you sm❤️ Analia