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What kind of scholarships exist for a flutist?

I’ve been playing for about 4 years, and by the time i’ll be in collage, i’ll have almost 8. I have growing experience with ensembles and bands.

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Austin’s Answer

Hello and good morning.
The scholarship you need to try to pursue is a woodwind scholarship which you need to also look into music education and performance.God Bless!
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Ashton,

Great question! As a flutist with nearly eight years of experience by the time you enter college, including participation in ensembles and bands, there are a variety of scholarships available to support your musical education. Many scholarships are offered by music programs, private foundations, and even specific flute organizations. Here are some types of scholarships you could consider:

1. College/University Music Scholarships
- Music Performance Scholarships: Many colleges and universities offer scholarships to students majoring in music or joining their music programs, regardless of whether they are majoring in music. These scholarships typically require an audition.
- Ensemble Participation Scholarships: Some schools provide scholarships for participation in marching bands, orchestras, or wind ensembles, even for non-music majors.
- Music Department-Specific Awards: Check with the music departments of schools you're interested in, as they often have department-specific scholarships.

2. Flute-Specific Scholarships
- National Flute Association (NFA) Scholarships: The NFA offers scholarships, competitions, and grants specifically for flutists at various levels. Some notable ones include:
- Frances Blaisdell Scholarship for young flutists pursuing a career in performance.
- Myrna Brown Scholarship for high school or undergraduate flutists attending NFA's annual convention.
- Flute Society Scholarships: Many regional flute societies offer scholarships or competition prizes for young flutists. Research your local flute society for opportunities.

3. Music Competitions
- Flute Competitions: Competing in flute competitions can lead to scholarship awards. Some prominent ones include the "MTNA (Music Teachers National Association) Competition" and various local or international flute competitions.
- YoungArts Program: This national competition for young artists, including musicians, offers significant scholarship funds.

4. Private Music Foundation Scholarships
- Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award: This award is for talented high school musicians in need of financial assistance and provides up to $10,000.
- John Philip Sousa Foundation: Scholarships for woodwind players, including flutists, participating in marching bands.
- Music for All Foundation Scholarships: Supports students participating in school bands and orchestras.

5. General Music Scholarships
- Peermusic Classical Scholarship: This scholarship is open to high school seniors intending to pursue a degree in classical music performance.
- BMI Student Composer Awards: If you compose music in addition to playing flute, this scholarship might be a good fit.

6. Local Scholarships
- Check local arts organizations, community orchestras, or even your school district, as they often have scholarships for young musicians.

- Prepare Audition Pieces: Most scholarships require auditions, so work with your flute instructor to refine your repertoire and technique.
- Record Performances: Having high-quality recordings of your performances may be helpful for scholarship applications.
- Get Letters of Recommendation: Ask for recommendations from music teachers, conductors, or band directors to strengthen your application.

Start by researching the music programs at colleges you're interested in, and also check flute organizations and local opportunities for flutists.

Best wishes!
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Ashton !

Such a good question as you plan your college path for music !

There are some scholarships for flute players, but there are also scholarships outside of the subject of playing flute and music, too ! You may want to consider applying to as many scholarships as possible when the time comes around.

The Young Musicians Foundation awards scholarships to students who live in Southern California. I wanted to mention this in case you plan tp relocate for college to that area. This foundation has the Susan Greenberg Flute Scholarship and also offers the ASCAP Foundation Leiber & Stoller Music Scholarship which pays for private flute lessons. By doing a search online, you can find out more information about these scholarships. There is also the Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation which does not provide monetary scholarships, but does contribute new and refurbished musical instruments to those who qualify. The National Flute Association has a scholarship for people that are first generation college students. I have left the link for information about it below.

In addition, there are many, many other scholarships that you can explore to see which ones you qualify for. You can start by reading the scholarships on Scholarship 360 for California college students (link is below). Another website you may want to read is Majoring in Music which has a list of music scholarships. The link to it is below. Keep in mind that whichever college you attend will have general scholarships that you can also apply for.

You should also look into the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Scholarships. You can do a search online for it as well as look at the link below for the San Jose State University Music Scholarships if you decide to go to San Jose State (link is below). My advice is to cover a lot of ground applying for these scholarships so that you have an increased chance of getting some. I am sure that there are many more that you can do a search for online and they will greatly help you during your enrollment in college. Also visit your guidance counselor as well as speak with your current music teachers because they may know of scholarships that are not listed on the internet.

I hope this can help you as you begin your search and I wish you all the best !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

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Éverton’s Answer

Hello Ashton! Have you ever thought about pursuing a scholarship abroad? Brazil could be an exciting option for you. There are several universities here that could provide the support you need. I'm suggesting this because it could give you a chance to immerse yourself in a new culture and experience unique music genres like "Choro, Bossa Nova, and Samba". If this resonates with you, I'd be absolutely thrilled to have been of assistance.

Here are a few institutions you might want to consider:

UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro)

UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Unespar (State University of Paraná) - You can choose either the EMBAP or FAP campus.
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Sonal’s Answer

San José State University is a beacon of opportunity for gifted music majors, providing scholarships that range from modest sums to full tuition coverage. The School of Music and Dance is a generous benefactor, dispensing over $400,000 in scholarship aid each year.

Moreover, why not showcase your talent in the Silicon Valley Young Flute Artist Competition? This event, hosted by the Summer Flute Institute at San José State University, offers enticing prizes such as brand-new head joints from Burkart Flutes and exciting music shopping sprees.

Don't overlook local music organizations and societies like the Pacific Music Academy, which may also provide scholarships and financial aid for budding musicians.

Remember, your musical journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep honing your skills, stay engaged in ensembles, and actively pursue these opportunities to fuel your passion for music.