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I would want to find someone who is really good at song writing ?

I have been writing songs for the past three years. And my songs are not bad but they are not the best. If I could have some help I would really appreciate that.

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6 answers

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Chapdee’s Answer

Hi Olivia, let's jog your memory a bit. First off, I admire your self-assurance and your drive for excellence. However, it's crucial to remember that your songs should connect with your audience, not just aim for superiority. What may not appeal to you might be what your listeners treasure. Therefore, I encourage you to remain authentic to your voice and trust your gut feelings. Strive to express your genuine emotions and experiences rather than solely focusing on creating the perfect song.

Here's my approach: I start by crafting the title of my song, followed by key words and catchy phrases that shape the song, before I embark on the writing process.

When I first dipped my toes into songwriting, I enjoyed creating an image in my mind and translating it into words, which people appreciated. As I progressed, I began to refine my craft by enhancing my end rhymes, noting the syllabic structure of words, and utilizing synonyms and antonyms to maintain balance in the meaning.

For instance, antonyms are words with opposite meanings, like 'Come' and 'Go'. Synonyms, on the other hand, are words with similar meanings, such as 'Pinnacle' and 'Zenith'.

"Seen ’em come and go, I’m steady at my zenith,
At the pinnacle now, no fallin’, I mean it."
In this example, you can clearly identify the rhymes, syllabic words, antonyms, and synonyms.

By employing this method, you can consistently produce creative work.

I trust this advice will be beneficial to you.

Chapdee recommends the following next steps:

If you need anything let me know
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Jonathan’s Answer

Hello Olivia!

To enhance your writing skills and discover potential collaborators, consider joining a local writers' group. Remember, it's 2024 and you're certainly not alone in your quest for growth and connection in your town, city, state, or even online. With the vast resources of the internet, you can easily locate discords, online communities, and local meet-ups. The same effort you put into asking this question and creating your profile can be directed towards finding a suitable writing group. If you were seeking feedback, you could have shared some of your writings for everyone to review.

The opportunities you seek won't just appear; you have to actively pursue them and seize them when they arise. You're capable of this! Don't underestimate your potential! :)
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Brian’s Answer

I think your songs are better than you’re giving yourself credit for ;)

We are all our own worst critics starting out and it’s totally normal to be a little self conscious about them. If you did want to try collaborating with someone that would definitely help but, I’d recommend trying a few of them out as they are right now at an open mic. You’ll be surprised the very cool reaction you’ll get and it’ll help with confidence.
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Olivia !

If you need a collaborator or someone to oversee or review your songwriting, I would suggest putting up a notice at your school or posting at various venues that you go to regularly. There may be someone who would like to volunteer to help you, even your teachers. Another suggestion would be to inquire about a writing tutor that can act as someone to help you with your songwriting. What exactly do you need help with ? If it's proofreading or technical aspects, ask a friend or family member to give your songs a critique.

I would suggest that you return here again and ask a very targeted question on what type of help you need. Career Village is happy to give advice but we are not tutors or teachers. Please do return and elaborate on the details of your concern.
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Joanne’s Answer

I love songwriters! Music and words together are the best.
So, I am not sure which one you want to improve -
If it's music - youtube lessons, follow a musician you love, take lessons and if cost is a factor "barter" lessons for something you can provide - babysitting, mowing the lawn.
If it is the words - READ- As a writer I find inspiration and ideas from others.
Write all the time, carry a notebook, use notes on your phone, write it down and keep it. It may prove the perfect line or idea for your next song or line challenge.
Go with what you know - train your music to your unique style. You will be popular because of you.
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Seth’s Answer

Hi, Olivia! I have a couple of recommendations. First, try collaborating with other writers, preferably several different ones. You can learn a lot from observing their processes, and bouncing ideas back and forth can play to the different strengths of each person involved. Some writers will gel with each other better than others, but it's always worth trying. You never know when an unexpected partnership might yield something really cool!

My other recommendation is to really study the songs you consider to be some of the best writing you've heard. What are the moments that really impress you? Can you figure out what it is about the words or music that's stirring your emotions in that moment? Eventually, you'll start to recognize certain techniques and patterns, and then you can figure out how to apply those to your own creations. It takes time and practice, but it pays off.