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I finish my Bachelor this upcoming year and I have zero experience in anything. What should I do?

Hello everyone,
I am Rea. Currently a student in Political Science. As I finish my Bachelor studies this upcoming year, the pressure has grown. I have zero experience. I have never worked, never done an internship, never participated in activities related to my field of study and I have never evenvolunteered! I have had my reasons, including lack of knowledge when it comes to the field of employment and other personal issues related to my mental health.

Now that my life is more in oder, I feel so hopeless when it comes to my career! I tried to apply to an internship,I wasn't accepted. I have applied to another internship, still haven't heard from them but the chances of approval are slim. My Cv is very....empty. I tried finding an internship this summer in my city and there were no opportunitties. I don't know maybe it is my degree that doesn't offer many opportunities... :/ I have tried finding internships that were also related to social work, not only to my degree but I still couldn't find anything!

I also applied to two organizations as a volunteer and I wasn't called. I think these organizations today want to have high school students or middle school students as volunteers and not grown up adults... I feel very hopeless and I feel a lot of pressure. :(

I do have great grades and a scholarship of excellence, but uni knowledge won't get you far...

What should I even do?Where do I even start?

Thank you comment icon Oh how time flies! I was exactly in your situation not too long ago....30yrs!... By the way, Congratulations on nearing the completion of your Bachelor’s degree! It’s normal to feel uncertain, more than you know. In my case, I picked up an application, in those days, filled out while shopping at ASDA-WalMart. Now looking back on it, 30yrs later, it was truly worth it. Kobi Amo-Mensah

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2 answers

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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Rea !

So glad to see that you are reaching out to us. I hope that advice and information can alleviate any worry you may be having. There are so many reasons why your efforts have gone the way they have and you should not take it personally. Now is the time to explore new ways of meeting your goals and taking it one step at a time. University education does mean a lot and you are accomplishing great things as a student.

If you contact the International Cooperative in Elbasan (link is below) you may have an opportunity to volunteer in orphanages and schools. Also read about igruaselbasan as there are opportunities to volunteer for community development. I left a link for them below and the website is in your language. Also, Federata e Familjes & W-Carp- Elbasan has community development volunteer work. Most of the volunteer opportunities are in Elbasan. It is only 40km (25 miles) from where you live so if you haven't explored there, it may be a good idea to do so. You can also visit your major department on campus and any other department or building and offer to volunteer there. Visit the resources you may have on campus such as a career center or an academic counseling office. Always reach out because you never know what doors will suddenly open when you take action towards your goal.

On your Curriculum Vitae (CV) do not worry. You need someone to help you with this that knows how to fill the page. Don't underestimate your life experience. Have a heading titled VOLUNTEER WORK and list any work you have ever done for family, friends or anyone. It could be any help with childcare, assisting an elderly friend or relative, cooking for someone and also have a heading for Education. For the education part list a few college courses that you've taken that would be pertinent to the primary type of job or volunteer work you want to do. If someone can sit down with you and interview you, they can draw these things out and you'll fill your CV in no time. I left a link below to a website that can guide you in how to write a resume while having no employment experience yet.

The most important thing is to do something relaxing and fun to take your mind off of it. Get involved in a group on campus. Go to Bashkia Tirane and offer to volunteer for one of their programs. This would be the equivalent of working at a local politicians' office in my country. But importantly, do not give up ! You can do this. Sometimes things seem tough when we do not have support or know where resources are, but you are on your way to improve your situation this school year.

I hope that this is helpful and I wish you all the best. Do return here if you would like any more assistance.

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Federata e Familjes & W-Carp- Elbasan
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Kim’s Answer


If Michelle keeps giving such great advice, I'm going to be able to retire from CareerVillage :-)

This is the most important thing she said:
The most important thing is to do something relaxing and fun to take your mind off of it.

Or, as I've heard so many times: The first thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.
Filling your mind with self-doubt only breeds negativity. So, in spite of everything life has thrown at you, you ARE about to graduate!!!!

Now we need to work on proving that you know how to apply the knowledge you've acquired. Internships and volunteering. You need to get out and do things with people. This is very much a "people" degree. Although, if you don't really care for people, there are ways around that too, such as by becoming a political analyst (probably requires more schooling though).

Put yourself out there. learn, grow. You might not start where you had envisioned starting when you graduate, but, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. And stay open to the idea of possibilities/opportunities that are not aligned with what you had initially envisioned. The road of life is full of twists and turns, it's definitely not a straight path. Explore it!

You can do this!