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Will taking a class in high school unrelated to my major in college affect my college applications/admissions?

I am currently a junior in high school and it's time for us to start choosing what courses we want to take next year. I plan on majoring in aerospace engineering in college, and I have classes in my schedule related to that (ex: PLTW, physics, calculus). However, I wanted to add an easy half-semester class (for college applications) which is Equine Science, and then do early dismissal second semester. Is this a good idea/will it matter to colleges that I'm taking a class completely unrelated to my major?

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Paul’s Answer

It really shouldn't, because high schools have a certain number of units, which are required to be dispersed into different core areas, so you can complete the state requirements for graduation.

Plus, when you get into college you will need to complete something called the General University Requirements, before you can even declare a major in your junior year of college.

So, in college you will be taking social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, electives and other mandatory credits needed to complete the first two years of college. This will be good preparation for your GUR's.
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john’s Answer

Actually, quit the contrary. Colleges look for students who have a broader and diverse set of interests. It will actually contribute to your chances of getting into the college of your choice. Besides, even if you are not going to college, it gives you exposure to more diverse subjects and potential careers. You could find out the class you take outside the career you have chosen to pursue make stimulate your interest and you may have a change of heart on what you want to do after college. si
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Jonathan’s Answer

It may help show your broad interests, and it's always good to expose yourself to anything you're interested in.
However, if you're very ambitious and want to get into the top aerospace program, success shown in more rigorous coursework can't hurt.

The big caveat is that you shouldn't overload yourself if it means you won't perform well or could have a rough time personally.
Note that an undergrad program in engineering will be highly rigorous, so if you're looking for easy courses now, you will likely need to shift your mindset once you get to college. Engineering school can be stressful if you're not ready to be focused and work hard throughout, unless you're highly gifted and the material is extremely intuitive to you.
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Lirio’s Answer

Taking an unrelated class like Equine Science in high school will not negatively affect your college applications or admissions, especially if the rest of your schedule is strong and relevant to your intended major (like physics, calculus, and PLTW for aerospace engineering). Colleges understand that students often explore a variety of interests in high school, and showing that you have a well-rounded academic experience can actually be a positive.

As long as you're taking the core courses required for your major and maintaining strong grades in them, one unrelated class won’t hurt your application. In fact, it could show that you’re curious and have diverse interests, which many colleges appreciate. Early dismissal can also be fine, especially if you use that time productively, like for a job, internship, or independent study.