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How much does an starting out Travel Dental Hygienist make monthly?

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4 answers

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Courtney’s Answer

$42.29 an hour
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敬太’s Answer

Thanks for your questions.
It is different on the area or place you would work for.

A reference says that hourly wages which is the high as $57 and the low as $ 20.
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Barb’s Answer

It depends on the state and the area you are working in. In Colorado a temporary or traveling hygienist can make anywhere from $55-70 an hour
Thank you comment icon It depends on the state you live in . For example traveling Dental Hygienist in NYC make 55-65 an hr or sometimes are put on a salary of 110 k. This also includes benefits and accrued PTO Elizabeth Ruggiero
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Karen’s Answer

It really depends on location, location, location, also whether you work for an individually owned private practice, group practice, or corporation, and of course supply and demand. I can speak to wages in the Pacific Northwest. Bigger cities like Seattle and Portland will range from $50-80/hour. Some positions pay upward of $100/hour but you must ask yourself what you will be required to do in order to receive this higher compensation. For example, up-selling treatment and/or products, seeing twice as many patients in a day. Hourly wages are typically negotiable within reason. Another consideration is whether the position provides a benefit package. Sometimes a higher hourly can be negotiated if benefits are not included. I would start by looking through job posting platforms in your desired area, this will provide an idea of what dental Hygienists are being paid by the hour.