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Is software testing replace with AI??

I use chatgpt and analysis my behaviour for career and it's suggest me that software testing suit me and enjoy but I fear that ai will replace my job. Is any one share idea about this things? If no how and where I can start ? Please help me

Thank you comment icon No one can predict the future. We can all only speculate. Resilience is about keeping your options open. What things do you think AI can't possibly replace that you also enjoy? Why not pursue both for yourself? Heather Linn

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11 answers

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Fred’s Answer

I doubt AI will replace humans in the development process for quite a while. As with all new technologies/ideas, they hype and promise is always greater than the actual thing. for example, blockchain was going to solve the world's problems. Before that, we were supposed to be in a perpetual economic growth cycle and nobody would ever have to work again. Heck, in the 1950's, they promised us flying cars...

Will there be changes? Sure. testers may have to learn to work with AI. it will most likely be a partnership, not a replacement.

These opinions are my own, and of course, could be completely wrong.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Sahil
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Stan’s Answer

The main worry is that software testing, as a sector, is sadly being pushed down the priority list. Previously, each team had dedicated testing professionals, but this was later centralized. Now, developers are left to handle their own testing. AI could potentially simplify this process for developers. However, the pressing issue is the potential scarcity of this role in the future.
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Vincent’s Answer

In my experience, there are definietley components of software testing that is being replaced with AI. That being said, I have seen the automation replace some of the more basic, repeatable testing. This automation compliments the human element and allows the testers to focus on the nuances of the product they are testing.
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venkat’s Answer

AI won't eliminate the need for testing, but it will significantly enhance the quality and scope of testing procedures. It's crucial for all testers to adopt AI as a beneficial tool. The combination of human intelligence and AI will elevate the testing process to new heights.

Those beginning their journey in the testing field should focus on mastering testing techniques and welcoming the use of AI. This approach will not only make you a valuable asset to any employer, but it will also boost your chances of employment.
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Steven’s Answer

AI will definitely change the world as we know it. But rest assured, you will always need human interaction for something. Take simple grocery check outs. Yes, the customer is able to do this process themselves now, but there is someone that watches them, there is someone that maintains the hardware and someone that maintains the software. All the AI is truly doing is the type of job an individual works.
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Peterson’s Answer

Hello! I'm convinced that AI will enhance many professions, but it won't take over them entirely. It's possible that some manual tasks may be automated, but professional roles will remain crucial.

When it comes to testing, I firmly believe that professionals who equip themselves with AI knowledge will rise above their peers. They'll be able to fully leverage AI, using it to improve their work significantly.

As a Test Engineer, you can utilize AI to develop all sorts of test scenarios, including unit tests and accessibility tests. However, the need for review means your role remains indispensable. You'll face the exciting challenge of crafting the best prompts to achieve optimal results. Professionals who limit themselves to tasks like "I created the unit tests for the selected method" might find themselves at risk.

I encourage you to delve into this subject, understand how it can streamline your daily tasks, and ultimately boost your productivity and value. =)
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Arpit’s Answer

I believe that AI will not replace software testing but rather augment it and create new opportunities.

While AI can automate certain aspects of testing, it cannot fully replace the human judgment, creativity, and domain expertise required for effective testing. AI can be used to identify patterns in data, generate test cases, and automate repetitive tasks, but it cannot understand the nuances of complex systems or anticipate unforeseen scenarios.

Here's an example: Imagine a self-driving car. AI can be used to train the car's algorithms to recognize objects and make decisions on the road. However, human testers are still needed to ensure that the car can handle a variety of real-world scenarios, such as extreme weather conditions, unexpected obstacles, and diverse road types.

Instead of fearing AI, we should embrace it as a tool that can help us become more efficient and effective testers. By learning to use AI tools and techniques, we can focus on higher-level tasks, such as designing test strategies, analyzing test results, and providing valuable insights to development teams.

The future of software testing is bright. By embracing AI and developing your skills, one can position self for a successful and rewarding career.
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Muhammad’s Answer

1. Career-Counseling
2. Software-Testing
3. Artificial-Intelligence
4. Quality-Assurance
5. Job
6. Computer-Software
Thank you comment icon What are these?? Can you please explain Sahil
Thank you comment icon Hi Muhammad, can you please add some context and detail to your answer? What does this list represent? Sharyn Grose, Admin
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Vidhya Sagar’s Answer

No, software testing is not being replaced by AI. However, AI is transforming the field of software testing in significant ways.

Here’s why:

AI Augments, Not Replaces, Human Testers

Human intuition and creativity are irreplaceable: AI excels at repetitive tasks and pattern recognition, but it lacks the nuanced understanding, creativity, and problem-solving skills of human testers. Humans are better equipped to:

Design complex test cases that consider real-user scenarios.
Understand the subjective aspects of user experience (e.g., usability, accessibility).
Identify edge cases and unexpected behaviors that AI might miss.
AI as a powerful tool for testers: Instead of replacing testers, AI provides them with powerful tools to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness:

Test automation: AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks, freeing up testers to focus on more complex and exploratory testing.
Test case generation: AI can analyze code and requirements to automatically generate test cases, improving test coverage.
Defect prediction: AI can analyze historical data to identify patterns and predict potential defects, allowing for proactive testing and early bug detection.
In conclusion: The future of software testing lies in the collaboration between human testers and AI. AI will continue to automate tasks and provide valuable insights, but human testers will remain essential for their creativity, critical thinking, and domain expertise.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Sahil
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Ronald’s Answer

Hi there. I do not believe AI will be replacing humans when it comes to testing. AI is still very regimented, and will only account for the test cases that have been captured before. Humans have a thing for always finding a NEW way to break things. As such, so long as human ingenuity sticks around, software testing will be a thing we will keep doing ALONG SIDE AI.

AI is a great tool to elevate what we do. Just like any tool, if you do not understand it, nor know how to use it, it does nothing productive towards your, or anyone's, goals. I would 100% still consider Software Testing a field of work that will continue to thrive into the future. Now more than ever given multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) are popping up. Every day new exploits and bugs are found that were not thought of. AI cannot, yet, iterate beyond the scope of what it is instructed to do.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Ronald for the advice. Sahil
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Magno’s Answer

I agree with Fred here. You must treat AI like any other tool, as it will help you perform your job more efficiently. Learning how to use AI to send the correct prompts (questions) to get the best answer for your software testing needs (aka prompt engineering) will be something of value shortly. If you align your Q&A skills with AI, you will be ahead of most new candidates in this role. I hope this helps.
Thank you comment icon Magno, thank you! Sahil