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How to become a beekeeper?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a beekeeper?

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Larry’s Answer

I was an amateur beekeeper. I kept several hives for about 10 years. My advice on preparing to become a beekeeper is to start by reading several books about beekeeping. One that I particularly liked, was The Queen and I. There are many others that explain a variety of approaches and styles of beekeeping, By reading some of these books, you can get a sense of which approach makes the most sense for you.

Next is to purchase one or two hives, and assemble them. You will start to get an idea of how bees live, procreate and store honey. You will eventually need to order a bee hat with vail, a smoker, and two packages of bees. The bees can be ordered online and sent by mail.

By starting with one or two hives you will become accustomed to working with the bees and gain an understanding of their behavior throughout the year. When it comes time to harvest the honey, you will need to purchase or have access to a centrifuge, a small rotating barrel-like structure that separates the honey from the combs in the bee frames.

Bee hives have personalities. I experienced calm bees and usually wore no protestive cloathing when working with them. With the advent of the Africanized bees, hives can be more aggressive and require protective cloathing. This personality of the hive is something you will need to observe and experience. You may learn that only a smoker is needed to enter a hive. Or, you may have to protect yourself with protective cloathing. This is something you will learn with your first hives.

Creating a buisness of beekeeping is possible in agircultural areas. Farmers and fruit growers will pay for the beneficial presence of bees. It is a demanding profession that requires purchase of hundreds of bee hives and their constant monitoring and maintanance. At the same time, there a great satisfaction in raising bees and harvesting their honey. I wish you every success in entering into the world of bees.