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What are the potential jobs if I study business?

I am a 9 grader that is looking to be in the business industry but doesn't know exactly what to do.

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6 answers

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Eliska’s Answer

Hi Ariel,

What a fantastic question! The world of business is vast and full of opportunities. Start by asking yourself: what activities do I find enjoyable and what are my strengths?

If you're someone who thrives in leading school projects, you might find a role as a manager or project manager quite fulfilling.

Are you great at math and love solving math problems? If so, finance or accounting could be your ideal field.

Do you love presenting to others and getting them excited about your ideas? Then, a career in sales or marketing might be just the right fit for you.

Or perhaps you're a amazing at analyzing situations and figuring out solutions? In that case, business analytics, economics, or even risk management or process improvement could be your calling.

Wishing you all the best on your journey!
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Daniele’s Answer

Hi Ariel! It is a pleasure to meet you!

The possibilities are endless when choosing a career in business. My first suggestion would be to find out what exactly you like to do and go from there. For example, if you like to take lead when you have a project in school, I would suggest going toward a career where you are a manager, and there are managers for every single job known to man. Having a career in business will teach you several skills that are essential outside of the workforce as well. Such as learning different personality types, learning how to properly position your team for success, down to configuring a program that will help generate revenue. The possibilities are truly endless.
I would suggest starting with taking this quick test, that will assess your personality and skills to point you in the right direction.
Best of luck to you Ariel!
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Charlene’s Answer

I agree with responses above-- every organization needs business expertise. Effectively using resources, developing winning strategies, building and leading successful teams, managing finances and brands, making sales of products, missions or ideas. What are some of your favorite, products, companies or organizations? The fields they represent may be good industries to evaluate. Next is exploring the skill set that resonates most with you that you'd like to center your business career on. Do you enjoy research (product development, market research, strategy)? Creative development (branding, marketing, advertising)? Working with numbers (finance, marketing, sales). There are a lot of possibilities so get to know yourself, what you like best and what skills you want to sharpen.
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Gabriella’s Answer

Business is a wide terminology. Studying business therefore offers you various roles from Sales to Procurement, from Marketing to Logistics, Finance, etc. You will need to select your major after a while in your studies which interests you the most.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to know that you have r interest in business. There are many careers related to business.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Do you have interest in banking, trading, administration, human resources, marketing, etc ? You can find out more business related careers online.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Deepthi’s Answer

Excellent query, Ariel. Studying business at the undergraduate level opens up a variety of career paths. Business studies provide a fundamental understanding of various aspects such as finance, marketing, supply chain, operations, and sales. These foundational skills and frameworks can be applied in any of these sectors. Your choice of specialization, like Finance or Marketing, can lead to job opportunities in that specific area, for instance, as a financial analyst or a marketing manager. A practical way to gain more insights into these roles is by securing an internship or a part-time job during your high school or undergraduate years. For instance, you could try working as a retail associate to see if it suits your interests, and then decide to specialize in Retail/Marketing/Sales in your business studies. Wishing you all the best!