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What level education would i need to start a businesss?

Im in the 9th grade and i want to start a business

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Theophilus’s Answer

Hey Peyton!

Starting a business does not require a specific level of education It is more about having passion, determination, and the willingness to learn along the way. I started my own business right after Junior High School (JHS), which is equivalent to Grade 9, just like you. You don’t need to wait for a specific degree; instead, focus on developing your skills, understanding your market, and gaining experience.

At your level, you can start small by offering services or products you’re passionate about. Learning basic business skills such as budgeting, marketing, and customer service can be done through online courses, books, or even asking for advice from experienced people. Surround yourself with people who can guide you, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. They are part of the journey.

I started with a simple idea of selling cosmetics, hair care, and skincare products. At first, I bought these items in bulk from wholesalers and then began selling them to customers. I also used social media to post the products and reach a wider audience. Over time, I built a strong customer base, and my business grew. Now, I don’t just sell the products mysel, I distribute them to my team, and they help sell as well. This has allowed my platform to grow, and I’ve even been able to help others generate income through it.

With consistency, I grew my business over time. You can do the same! Let your enthusiasm drive you, and don’t underestimate your ability to succeed at any age. If I could do it, so can you!
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charnelle’s Answer

Hello Peyton,

I believe the above question was well answered from the previous person. I love the fact your thinking about your future as many people your age really don't think like that. You can do a lot with business such as starting your own. All you really need is to get a loan approved from the bank if you like you might need to be 18 or older to do that not quite sure. Obtaining a business degree you can learn a lot and meet a lot of great people with great ideas. These are just a few other thoughts that I hope you found helpful.
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Drew’s Answer

Hi Peyton!

There is no necessary level of education to start a business. In fact, some of the most successful business owners today were college dropouts! (Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.) This is not to say that you should not go to college if you want to start a business. College can provide you with an opportunity to learn many useful skills and make connections with people, both of which can go a long way in helping you start a business. However, no level of education is REQUIRED to start a business.

You could even start a business now! When I was in middle school, I started a business selling my designs on Redbubble and was able to make some income through the site. By using platforms such as Redbubble, you can start a business today and avoid many of the hurtles that come with starting from scratch. Depending on your interests, here are some platforms that could help you to start a business today:
- Redbubble ( If you are interested in art or graphic design, this is a great place to sell your work on an assortment of products! Redbubble is a great place to sell if you want something easy that you do not have to invest any money in. Redbubble handles all of the product creation and shipping themselves, so you can focus on designing! Additionally, you do not have to pay for any supplies to create the products upfront.
- Etsy ( If you are interested in creating physical products on your own (jewelry, decorations, ceramics, etc.), Etsy is a great place to sell your work. Etsy requires a bit more work than Redbubble, because you must buy supplies, create the physical products yourself, and then ship them out to people, but it is a great place to start if you want more control over what you sell!
- Depop/Poshmark: Depop and Poshmark are two apps where people can sell new or used clothing online. If you are interested in fashion or styling, this is the place for you! You can sell things from your own closet, or find vintage clothes and resell them online. The challenge with reselling clothes, is that you must have money to buy the clothes initially, and there is no guarantee you will make a profit.
- Local markets: These may require more work to find, but can be incredibly rewarding. Local markets are a great place to sell physical products as well as food or baked goods. They also allow you to connect in-person with your customers and meet other business owners.

There are tons of online marketplaces in addition to these where you could start your own business. If you would like to start a different type of business than the ones mentioned, maybe something that is less focused on physical products, then I would encourage you to start early by doing some research. Look into companies similar to the business you would like to start and see how they got started. See if you can connect with anyone currently working at a similar business and ask them questions or job shadow them. It is never too early to start!
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you would like to become an entrepreneur. Have you thought about what industry you would like to start your business?
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about what industry you have interest or you have strength
2. Do some analysis on the industry, eg entry criteria, competition status, any alternative or substitute, etc
3. Attend industry related courses and management courses
4. Work in the industry some time to understand the business model and establish people network
5. Starr the business online first if possible
Hope this helps! Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!