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How do Nurses manage workplace stress?

I am a Sophomore in high school and currently interested in becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I'm curious how you manage workplace stress or just stress in general on top of your job?

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Maureen’s Answer

That is an excellent question as many health care providers put their patients, families, and friends before their own health. I was one of those people. You need to take care of your mental, physical and social health before jumping into this occupation. By caring for yourself first, you have the energy and resilience to care for others. It took me years to understand this concept of self-care. Some NPs are excellent at self-care and are labeled, "selfish" or "not a team player". You have to find outlets: meditation, exercise, hobbies (quilting, theatre, and swimming are mine), music, dancing, singing, acting, etc. These will keep you grounded and always be there to help you with your stress. Find something you can do from a young age into old age! Good Luck, Maureen
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John’s Answer

Working in the healthcare sector can be challenging, just like any other profession. You may encounter policies and decisions from the top that affect you and which you may not necessarily agree with, along with a myriad of other typical workplace issues. However, the unique aspect of healthcare jobs is the added pressure of directly influencing people's lives and health on a daily basis. This can significantly intensify the stress levels.

When our efforts result in improved patient health, the joy and satisfaction derived from knowing that we played a part in their recovery is an incredible part of the job. Conversely, when things don't go as planned and patients' conditions worsen or they pass away, it can be tough to navigate through. The emotional toll is even greater when a mistake has been made that contributed to a negative outcome.

How we cope with the emotions surrounding our roles varies from person to person. Some might need time and space away from work to process their feelings. For others, a listening ear and a fresh perspective from a partner can be all they need. Many healthcare workers have partners within the medical field who can empathize with our experiences and understand our emotions after impactful events.

A balanced blend of adequate rest, open communication with a friend or partner, and setting aside time for hobbies you love can significantly alleviate the stress induced by occasional work challenges. The importance of a robust support system cannot be overstated. Cultivate and nurture it. Prioritize your physical health too. Regular exercise is a proven stress reliever and contributes positively to mental health.

As you embark on your own healthcare journey, I wish you all the success. May you find fulfillment and joy in your work.
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Liz’s Answer

Taking care of stress in the world of healthcare is really crucial. As a new member of the team, it's a good idea to set your boundaries from the get-go. Make sure to take care of your body by exercising, eating healthy, and drinking lots of water. Don't forget to take a breather during work hours too. Reading or writing positive affirmations can also boost your mood. Practicing meditation and stretching before starting your day can help you stay calm and focused. Always remember to be kind to your colleagues, share tasks, and don't hesitate to ask for help or stand up for yourself when needed. These are just a few friendly tips to keep in mind.
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Molly’s Answer

Having a good balance of diet and exercise will help. Surrounding yourself with good family and friends. I also think having a therapist to talk to is helpful with working through de-stressing techniques. Many organizations ( hospitals) have Wellness and Wellbeing programs that are free.