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Why did you decide to pursue spanish language teaching? What do you wish you did differently as a college student?

Why did you decide to pursue spanish language teaching? What do you wish you did differently as a college student?

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Suzanne’s Answer

I had the pleasure of learning Spanish at home with my grandparents. I decided to continue my spanish studies in college to improve on all aspects of Spanish proficiency. I took spanish language arts classes because I believe being bilingual is a super power! As a result, I have always included language as an essential component of my career. I actually studied Hospitality management in college but left the profession after 9/11. I began my career in teaching when I was 25. I study full time at night while teaching during the day with a program called Teach for America. This program pays for a Master program of Teaching while working in inner city schools. Any program that pays for your education while providing you experience is a valuable tool for any profession. I chose teaching as my second career because it allowed my to give back to my local communities, work with kids, have summers off and enjoy good benefits. My best advice since requirements for teaching and pay varies place to place, is to teach students in a state or union supported district to attain the best pay, job security and benefits.

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