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how do i manage to choose a career that I want and not what people around me want?

I wish I can choose a career without having to impress people around me especially family and without facing any judgement whatsoever. I am more inclined to venture into the business field.

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5 answers

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Jeff’s Answer

Hi, Linye. This is a great question, and it suggests someday somebody will be very lucky to have you as an employee. I don't know how old you are or how close you are to graduation from high school, but first, I would suggest talking to your high school guidance counselor about colleges, community colleges and technical colleges in your area. I see you are in Alabama New York. Close to you is Genesee Community College. They should have career counselors there that can be very helpful to someone like you and are impartial. They will take the time to understand you, what you were hoping to do and a good way to get there.

Jeff recommends the following next steps:

Reach out your high school guidance counselor
Give Genesee Community College a call and tell them that you are interested in exploring some paths they might have to a career. (585) 343-0055
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Adaobi’s Answer

Choosing a career that aligns with your own passions and interests, rather than the expectations of others, can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. Here are some steps to help you navigate this process:

1. Self-Reflection: Take time to understand your interests, strengths, and values. What activities make you lose track of time? What subjects or tasks do you find most fulfilling?

2. Research: Look into various career options that align with your interests. Consider job descriptions, required skills, potential growth, and work-life balance.

3. Set Goals: Define what success means to you. Is it job satisfaction, financial stability, work-life balance, or something else? Setting clear goals can help you stay focused on what matters most to you.

4. Seek Guidance: Talk to career counselors, mentors, or professionals in fields you're interested in. They can provide valuable insights and advice based on their experiences.

5. Build Skills: Invest in developing the skills needed for your desired career. This could involve taking courses, gaining certifications, or getting hands-on experience through internships or volunteer work.

6. Stay True to Yourself: It's important to listen to advice but ultimately make decisions based on what feels right for you. Remember, it's your career and your life.

7. Communicate: If you're facing pressure from family or friends, have an open and honest conversation with them about your aspirations and why they matter to you. They might not fully understand your perspective initially, but sharing your thoughts can help.

8. Be Patient: Finding the right career path can take time. Be patient with yourself and stay open to exploring different opportunities.

Choosing a career is a significant decision, and it's okay to take your time to find the right path.
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Chris’s Answer

Hi, Liyne--
I agree with what Milena and Isaiah have shared so far: That this is your career and you will be responsible for it many years into the future, so having a thoughtful and respectful conversation with your family about what you are passionate about--and why!--will be really important. I just wanted to add one more thing: Your question mentioned feeling pressure and that you don't want to face any judgement whatsoever. I'm guessing it's not only your family you're thinking about, but maybe also friends, teachers, and other people in the world.
The truth is you'll have to face judgement about many decisions all throughout your life. Some people will keep their opinions to themselves, but some will feel like it's important to share those opinions with you--whether you asked for them or not! So I'll tell you something I learned from back in college that still serves me today:
Start by listening. You never know who might have an unexpected good idea or good advice. BUT, after you've done all that listening, remember, you're the only one who gets to decide what advice to act on, and how you'll act on it! If you know what your goal is and the path you want to take to get there, then you can let the judgements and unwanted opinions bounce off. Let them judge, your confidence is your shield. :)
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Isaiah’s Answer

I think the best thing to do in this situation is to have the conversation with your family. When you are younger these things seem like much heavier topics and I know some families and parents put pressure on their children to take certain paths, at the end of the day it matters if you are happy with your choice. Your career is something you will be doing for a good portion of your life, it makes that time much easier if you are interested and enjoy your career as much as possible.
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Milena’s Answer

By telling them that is your career, not theirs. One day, if you make any mistake, the only person you could posibly blame is you, and not them. And you will know how to cope with that, believe me. You will find your solution and your way 😉 Good luck!