What are the best ways to deal with physician burnout?
I plan on entering medical school in the fall and I'm preparing myself to have a way of combatting physician fatigue. I think it will be worst during residency so I want to have these techniques under my belt before then. Thank you for reading!
#medicine #self-care
3 answers
Hanya’s Answer
Shaveanda Queen, MD
Shaveanda’s Answer
William’s Answer
The best way to deal with physician burnout, which is something we all face to varying degrees, is to recognize your limitations and to recognize your psychological and spiritual well being are equally as important as your professional goals. They go hand in hand. To perform well professionally you need to be sound both psychologically and spiritually. You cannot have the one without the other. The proper balance aids you both in your personal life and professional life. What can be of a great help in attaining this proper balance is having other interest, whether that be as an artist, musician, history, cooking, athletics, etc., as well as taking a few moments each day reflecting on your spirituality. The proper balance between your professional goals, other interest and spiritual reflection helps you to stay grounded and better deal with challenging issues, which affect all of us both personally and professionally.