1 answer
1 answer

Jeiana Lottie
Tutor/Youth Mentor/Human Resources Consultant/Administrative Assistant
Los Angeles, California
Jeiana’s Answer
It sounds like you are asking why do we pay taxes, so here is a simplified answer to your question:
We pay taxes because it honestly is such an essential and influential part as to how society keeps developing.
Here are some reasons as to why we pay taxes:
-to maintain infrastructure (like public transportation, roads, subways, bridges)
-to find public services (like fire and police departments, schools, hospitals)
-to support social programs (food assistance like SNAP, social security, and unemployment)
-to support government operations (government office services and enforcement of laws and policies)
Paying taxes can even help the economy regulate by stimulating job growth and projects within the public
We pay taxes because it honestly is such an essential and influential part as to how society keeps developing.
Here are some reasons as to why we pay taxes:
-to maintain infrastructure (like public transportation, roads, subways, bridges)
-to find public services (like fire and police departments, schools, hospitals)
-to support social programs (food assistance like SNAP, social security, and unemployment)
-to support government operations (government office services and enforcement of laws and policies)
Paying taxes can even help the economy regulate by stimulating job growth and projects within the public