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David Gibbons’s Avatar

David Gibbons

Daly City, California
2 Answers
100371 Reads
92 Karma

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AdrianaS_af13’s Avatar
AdrianaS_af13 Apr 01, 2013 22094 views

What does it take to be an aeronautical engineer? What is it like?

I am a senior in high school and I am interested in aerospace engineering. I was wondering what a career as an aeronautical engineer was like. #aerospace-engineering

JeremiahS_af13’s Avatar
JeremiahS_af13 Mar 31, 2013 33664 views

Entrepreneurship in Mechanical Engineering?

Hello I am a senior in high school and was interested in Mechanical Engineering, but at the entrepreneur/managing level, like making my own product and selling it someday. Does anybody know what it looks like to manage an organization or group of people who do Mechanical Engineering? Thanks....