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Fiona Wong’s Avatar

Fiona Wong

Partnership Strategy
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
3 Answers
2747 Reads
1 Karma

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Maddy’s Avatar
Maddy Oct 18, 2021 1020 views

International Business or Marketing major for a job in International Marketing

I want to know whether I should major in International Business or Marketing for International Marketing.
#international #marketing #business #internationalbusiness #collegemajor

Camille’s Avatar
Camille Oct 23, 2020 623 views

Will being able to speak a foreign language benefit me in this career choice involved in sports broadcasting?

I am a high school junior and am beginning to explore my options for my future following high school. It has been a dream of mine for quite some time to be involved in sports, particularly the NBA, as a post game interviewer. I would appreciate any tips or advice to get started in this...

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine May 17, 2017 1846 views

How is studying abroad?

When I go to college I would like to study abroad, most likely in Europe or Australia. If anyone has ever studied abroad, what was your experience? Did you make a lot of friends? Was it scary? How expensive? #college #school #travel #study #abroad #world #europe #vacation