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Stacy Donck’s Avatar

Stacy Donck

Relationship Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Summit, New Jersey
4 Answers
3225 Reads
1 Karma



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To’s Avatar
To May 19, 2020 845 views

How can i enhance my chance of getting a job

#english , #Vietnamese, #job-search

George’s Avatar
George May 19, 2020 1203 views

What to do about college during a global pandemic?

I am currently an incoming senior in college questioning weather or not my college degree and education is going to be worth the amount of time money and effort I have put forth due to a declineing / halted / depressed economic job market as well as schools being unable to educated students...

Clarreese’s Avatar
Clarreese May 27, 2016 914 views

If I wasn't able to get a work-study job in college, what would be a great alternative?

I'm headed to college this Fall of 2016 and I don't want to have to depend on my parents so much for money for things such as books and equipment. I think it's essential to try and figure this out now. #college #business #student-loans #knowledge #scholar

Ian’s Avatar
Ian Apr 23, 2020 829 views

What are some tips on finding internships during this time?

I am interested in #human-resources