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Matt Hagopian’s Avatar

Matt Hagopian

Sport Management M.A.
Management Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Los Angeles, California
6 Answers
8289 Reads
31 Karma

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Kukiele’s Avatar
Kukiele Nov 28, 2016 1111 views

How do you stay focused and driven in school without slacking off?

I want to be the best student I can be now and in college #college #student #graduate-school

Mario’s Avatar
Mario May 13, 2016 1131 views

When is the best time to pursue graduate school? Should it be immediately after getting my B.A.? Or should I wait?

I will graduate soon, and I don't know if I should add experience to my resume before getting I apply for a Master's program. #teacher #professor #graduate-school #graduate

Jackson’s Avatar
Jackson May 13, 2016 1272 views

What to Major in?

I do not know what to major in? I like math and sports (Basketball is favorite) and some how want to tie those two things together. I'm good with sports statistics study and remembering them. #career #sports #math #basketball

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica May 16, 2016 1068 views

Sports in high school

I play sotfball, should I focus on nursing in high school instead? #sports #softball

Jackson’s Avatar
Jackson May 13, 2016 1544 views

how do you get a career as a coach or in the front office of a professional sports team?

I was wondering how you get a Career working for a professional sports team. I love basketball, I played basketball, and currently coach youth basketball and i love it and want to keep doing it as a career. I like math and stats I look at them everyday and with the new statistics coming into...

Breanna’s Avatar
Breanna Mar 01, 2016 1953 views

If I have a passion for sports and helping people, would sports management or adapted Physical Education be a great career?

As a student that is in 12th grade, I enjoy helping people and participating in sports. However I don't exactly know if I should pursue a career because of my love for it or the salary that is made. I want to be happy coming in to work and putting effort into a career, but I also want to happy...