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Sheffield, Massachusetts
2 Questions
201 Karma

Emily’s Career Goals

I want to be a teacher in Massachusetts.

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Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 14, 2020 905 views

What is something that helped you throughout the process of getting a teaching job?

I am an eighth grader who is wondering about things that could help me get a job teaching. I am looking for some advice about teaching and some smart decisions that you made that helped you become an educator. #job #teaching #education

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 14, 2020 1261 views

What are the different steps you need to take to become an educator?

I am an eighth grader who is wondering about the steps to persue my dream of becoming a teacher. I would like to teach highschool students. I want to know what the best schools are for teaching and all about the process of becoming a teacher. #education #teacher #educator #teaching #highschool