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Goodview, Virginia
2 Questions
282 Karma

Sky’s Career Goals

I want to work in a career that involves math and science in Roanoke, VA or Winston Salem, NC.



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Sky’s Avatar
Sky Jul 10, 2020 3467 views

How do I convince my parents to let me be an engineer?

My name is Sky. I'm heading into 10th grade this school year and some advice on how to convince my dad to let me be an engineer would be greatly appreciated. My dad wants me to go into the medical field and be a primary doctor or a surgeon so that I'll always have a job and make lots of money....

Sky’s Avatar
Sky May 14, 2020 806 views

What type of engineering field is right for me?

My name is Sky. I'm in tenth grade and I'm having a career crisis. I need to know if engineering is the type of career that can get me hired straight out of college anywhere in the US. If so, I also need help deciding exactly what type of engineer I should be. I love learning about the periodic...