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BJ Miller’s Avatar

BJ Miller

Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Fort Collins, Colorado
4 Answers
3898 Reads
202 Karma


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Marc’s Avatar
Marc Jun 12, 2019 2026 views

How long did it take for you to reach your goals?

#Business #Intelligence #Analysts #Sales #Agents #Financial # #business # #marketing Services

Temidayo’s Avatar
Temidayo Sep 26, 2020 785 views

I am torn between pursuing a career as a scientist (physicist) and a dancer. what should i do?

#scientist #dancing I have alway known myself to be fascinated by mysteries of life, by nature, by knowledge, by the pure delight of making my own discovery in a laboratory I dream to own and privately run. I have a chicken pet, and that is because I strongly believe they are smarter than they...

faith’s Avatar
faith Sep 28, 2020 720 views

how do i get a job surfing?


Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Aug 30, 2018 885 views

How hard is it to keep up your school work and play a sport at the same time?

#athlete #school #soccer