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Linh Thuy’s Avatar

Linh Thuy

Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
2 Questions
233 Karma

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Linh Thuy’s Avatar
Linh Thuy Jul 29, 2020 1048 views

How to obtain better skills for real jobs?

Most recruiters feel that fresh graduates lack necessary skills for the job. So what is your opinion about this?
#entry-level #business #job #job-opportunities #JULY20

Linh Thuy’s Avatar
Linh Thuy Jul 29, 2020 902 views

What is the chance of getting a job after graduation during Covid-19?

In this sensitive time, many people had lost their jobs. So people are seeking new ways to provide for themselves. Getting a job is not easy when you are a fresh graduate. So what is the chance of getting a job during Covid-19 after graduation? #Job #jobs #job-search-strategies #job...