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Prit Patel, MS’s Avatar

Prit Patel, MS

5 Answers
5487 Reads
11 Karma

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Jeff’s Avatar
Jeff May 16, 2020 1854 views

Are the premed classes as hard as everyone says?

#medicine #premed

Priscilla’s Avatar
Priscilla Jul 12, 2020 1605 views

How do you become a pediatrician, and what courses can you take in high school to achieve that career?

I'm a freshman in highschool, and I'm just starting off the school year. I've been homeschooled for two yrs and I'm going back to a public school. Just here to get advice on how to start my first year of highschool and how i can become a successful pediatrican as my future career. #doctor...

Henry’s Avatar
Henry May 17, 2020 789 views

Is it easier to go to medical school outside the US?

#premed #medical-school

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Jun 19, 2020 592 views

What is the most essential technique, when connecting and sending a purpose to others online?


Robert’s Avatar
Robert May 16, 2020 852 views

Will my writing need to be good for med school?

#medicine #premed