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Darayus B’s Avatar

Darayus B

Market Research Consumer Insights
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
2 Answers
3554 Reads
1 Karma
Tori’s Avatar
Tori Apr 16, 2019 1410 views

How far can we get into a career without college?

#college #college-selection #career-choice #college-advice

Effie’s Avatar
Effie Jun 11, 2020 2504 views

Can I work in comms fields (marketing, pr, etc.) with a Bachelor's in neuroscience?

I'm really intrigued with this subject and riveted to learn more to satisfy my curiosity. However, I can't see myself doing either research based or medical based jobs. I'd like to delve into the creative industry such as Marketing, Advertising and Design. Since there are bootcamps and...