Dahyun Lee
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I am a senior in high school and I’ve had my mind set to being a PI. Tonight I just researched more and found out a detective and a PI is totally different. I have no interest in college I just want to go right into my career. Is it best to go to the police academy? Also what about the army could I get into being a detective easier if I go to the army?
I am a female in a small city and I want to move to a bigger city and accomplish my career. #career-paths #detective #private-investigator

Is international relationships a good major?
I am neither in the scientific side nor the humanities side, i'm just in between. Still, I really enjoy writing, history and politics. Is this major right for me? #major #choosing-a-major

Does this career match my out going personality?
Yes. This job will have you being very out going with climbing 80 foot poles to riding on a helicopter to tall steel power line poles, and cutting down trees for new wire. #linelife

What should I expect from fashion school?
I'm a first generation college student. I'm nervous going into this career of interest I have knowing I might not love it once I study it for a while. My sewing skills are also not the best but I am eager to learn and try my best.
#fashionschool #motivation #fashiondesign

How many years of collage do you suggest to someone looking for a job as a Travel Agent?
A high school student
A senior
#Travel Agents

what are some possible careers where i can investigate racism and racial awareness?
I feel very passionately about racism and I would love to educate other about this topic, what are some possible career opportunities related to this? #career #racism #educate

How did you know that you wanted to study your current profession?
I think I want to be a veterinarian but I'm not sure because it's a really big decision and I have a broad range of interests so I'm seeking advice on how to know if a profession is for me. I've volunteered at my local shelter but because of the current situation I have not been able to further...

How can i trained myself to be prepare for fashion school?
I took fashion 101 in high school and will be starting fashion school this fall. I'm familiarized somewhat with sewing and making clothes, but I know I lack skill. Any recommended websites or youtube videos?
#fashion #fashion-design

How do I get into the fashion industry?
I’m 20 years old, not in college, and during my time in quarantine from Coronavirus I realised I have an interest and maybe even a niche in fashion. I would love to be a fashion stylist or even a fashion blogger but have no idea where to start or where to get help on getting started! #fashion

what career should i do
i dont know what i want to study collage is almost her only 3 more years i dont know what career i should do im scared if i pick the wrong path . #career