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Adil Momin’s Avatar

Adil Momin

4 Answers
9709 Reads
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Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 1476 views

Advice to get into the college I want?

I'm looking at prestigious universities like Berkeley #college-advice #college-selection

Arjun’s Avatar
Arjun Jul 11, 2020 1874 views

What unique thing did you do to get accepted into your dream college??

#college #technology #quant #finance

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 4249 views

What if I can't handle college?

#college #college-advice

Sharar’s Avatar
Sharar Jul 13, 2020 2317 views

I don't know what to pursue in, and I can't find motivation to find it either.

I don't feel motivated by anything to try and find out what I want to do. I thought I might've have wanted to go into the computer science field, but now I realized that it's not the direction I think I should go. So I don't know what I want to do now. #career #computer-science #career-choice...