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Fadwa Naji’s Avatar

Fadwa Naji

College Student
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Torrance, California
2 Answers
6942 Reads
12 Karma

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Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Jul 17, 2020 791 views

Who should I intern under as a future Physics/Acoustic Engineering major?

I am thinking about pursuing internships to gain some experience in the STEM fields. Does anyone know any people who I can intern with during the summers? #internships #stem #engineering #physics #JULY20

Aishwarya’s Avatar
Aishwarya Jan 16, 2018 7235 views

What's a day in the life of an aerospace engineer like?

Aeronautical or astronautical, it doesn't matter. I'm interested in pursuing a major in aerospace engineering, but I want to get a scope of what applying it to a career is like.

#engineering #aerospace-engineering