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Tomi’s Avatar


New York, New York
2 Questions
248 Karma

Tomi’s Career Goals

I want to be able to pay for college with little to no debt.



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Tomi’s Avatar
Tomi Aug 03, 2020 1350 views

How do I continue my career path?

I'm wondering on how to continue my career path because I've already started planning out what I wanted to do when I got older. I already know what major I want to study (Computer Engineering) and what interests me such as robotics, coding, and apps. But what I don't know is where that will...

Tomi’s Avatar
Tomi Jul 27, 2020 933 views

How to know what Computer Science Major is best for your interests?

I'm in highschool and about to start the college application process, but when I think about what major I want to be in and what school best supports that major it's difficult because many colleges say "computer science" or "computer engineering" and I don't understand the difference. How do I...