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Ally Tan’s Avatar

Ally Tan

Human Resources
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Irvine, California
4 Answers
7550 Reads
12 Karma



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Sakura’s Avatar
Sakura Jul 31, 2020 794 views

What are some career paths within the business side of healthcare?


Chris’s Avatar
Chris Aug 02, 2020 808 views

Advice/tips for gap year students?

Hey, I'm an incoming freshman electing to take a gap year due to various concerns. Just curious if there's anything people would recommend -- not only prepare for a successful college career but also as a person in the long run. I'm currently interning in the curitorial department at a museum...

Iqra’s Avatar
Iqra Apr 18, 2020 5563 views

Is there anything you regret not doing in high school/college?

Why didn't you do it and is it something you would recommend others do? #college-advice #college #highschool #highschool-advice #JULY20

Ramsey’s Avatar
Ramsey Aug 03, 2020 1065 views

What is it like working in HR?

A was browsing a list of careers on the internet, and I came across Human Resources. It definitely sparked my interest, so I did some more research. I could really see myself going into HR, but i would like a little more information. For example, what does a typical day consist of? Do you make...