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Laurie C. Marsolo, M.S.’s Avatar

Laurie C. Marsolo, M.S.

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Clarkesville, Georgia
4 Answers
4284 Reads
12 Karma

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Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Nov 18, 2020 946 views

As a major in Microbiology, are there any specialized jobs I can apply for while in college that do not require a degree #GivingisCaring


Marilin’s Avatar
Marilin Jul 30, 2020 816 views

What kind of internships would be beneficial to a wildlife biologist to gain an entry level job?

I'm Marilin, I am a biology student at camden county college. I have an interest in wildlife and I hope to become a wildlife biologist and start a conservation. #biologist #jobs #student #wildlifebiologist #scientist

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Aug 09, 2020 813 views

What should/can i major in in college if I am aiming to be in the medical field?

I am currently a junior in high school and I am not sure about what I can or what I should major in in college if I want to work within the medical field later on. I have heard that you can major in anything in college as long as you take some required classes for medicine but I am not...

Nikeia’s Avatar
Nikeia Aug 09, 2020 1090 views

Nurse Scientist

I posted a question earlier about nursing vs. medical laboratory science as I have an interest in both careers. I stumbled over this profession when I searched if there was any way I could combine nursing and laboratory science/ research. What does the typical day of work look like for a nurse...